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I could hear the music from outside as I mixed the punch together. I was mixing all kinds of liquor and juice in here.
Breakin' My Heart x Mint Condition played outside. Doing a little two step I stirred the juice.
Feeling a presence in the room I jumped seeing Rylan sitting in a bar stool.

"You scared me

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"You scared me." I said before returning my attention to the punch.
"My bad." He said.
"Look I don't even want to do this anymore." I said not looking at him. Feeling his body pressed against mine I looked at him as he had me trapped between him and the counter.
"Do what Fallon? This? Us? Get married? What? Be more specific." He asked rambling off questions at me.
"Okay relax. I meant I don't even wanna fight with you anymore. Whatever I think happened doesn't even matter because I know just as well as you do that I'm not going anywhere so there's no point in being bothered by it anymore." I said stirring the juice aggressively. Grabbing my hand he stopped my stirring he turned me to face him.
"I didn't cheat on you." He said looking me in the eyes.
"So what happened?" I asked although I wasn't sure if I really wanted to know.
"We danced." He said.
"That's it?" I asked swallowing hard.
"I'm going to be honest with you because I always have been. Shit got intense. Between the song and the way her ass was moving up against me I got hard."
"Did you react?" I asked as my heart raced.
"Yeah I pulled her up and told her even that little dance felt like cheating and I left. That's it, I swear to Allah baby." He said looking in my eyes.
"I believe you." I said honestly.
"So if you believe me why didn't you come home last night?" He asked.
"Because Rylan you haven't been acting like yourself. It's like you're making me pay for the fact that we didn't move to Cali. You don't help with the wedding plans, and in the midst of me trying to tell you how that made me feel your thirsty ass client pops up talking about some you him and bunch of other bullshit. I just needed the night to myself." I said honestly.
"I'm not tripping on the fact that we didn't move because it was my choice to make and I made it. And when it comes to the wedding I'm hands off because it doesn't matter where it's at, whose there, or what we eat as long as I end the night with you as my wife I don't care about the rest." He said grabbing my chin. "And lastly and most importantly I have never and I will never cheat on you Fallon." He said looking me right in his eyes while forcing me to do the same.
"I'm sorry for not trusting you." I said kissing his lips.
"We're all good baby." He said between kisses. "Now can we get back to our cookout?" He asked and I nodded as he picked up the punch.

Heading back to the patio we joined the rest of our friends and family.
"I was getting kind of parched, I thought I was going to have to come make the punch myself but then I thought I ain't wanna see no poles in holes." Jon said.
"Poles in holes?" I asked confused.
"Yeah you know. Dick in vagina." He added.
"Um inappropriate." Sevyn said covering Trey's ears.
"Bruh your friend." Rylan said shaking his head as he set the punch down. Reaching for Syx, I smiled he was so good with the baby. It made me sad.
"I want a steak kabob." I said thinking out loud.
"Ain't no steak. It's chicken kabob's." Fabian said.
"I made her some steak ones, they on the bottom." Rylan said.
"Aw thank you baby." I said pecking his lips.

Going to the table I made my plate. My plate looked amazing, deviled eggs, bbq chicken, my steak kabobs, baked beans, pasta salad, and potatoe salad.
"Damn Fallon your eyes bigger than your stomach don't you think?" Fabian asked.
"She been eating like that all day. She had a huge lunch, the bitch shouldn't be hungry." Jon said. Sitting on Rylan's lap, Rico grabbed Syx from his arms.
"What you had for lunch?" He asked me.
"Just a little burger." I lied.
"She lying like shit. She had a huge burger, a large fry, a milkshake and a piece of chocolate cake. And no she did not share." Jon said.
"Why are you telling my business like that?" I asked him.

"You good baby?" Rylan asked in my ear.
"Yeah just hungry as shit." I said stuffing my face about to take a sip of the punch but he took it from my hands.
"No I mean like are we good?" He asked looking down at my stomach.
"Babe they took my uterus out. It's impossible." I told him taking my drink back.
"If you say so." He said looking at me skeptically.

"Now about this wedding why can't y'all have a destination wedding?" Kb asked.
"My granny is not getting on a plane to see me get married." I said.
"She will we just gotta get her some Xanax to calm her nerves and make it happen. We need to get this shit moving though, I ain't got much time." Fabian said.
"How do you know that?" I asked growing sad.
"We got somebody that works for HPD. He said they building this case fast." He explained.
"Do you know what they are going to charge you for?" Jon asked.
"Charging him as king pin. Money laundering, drug distribution across the border and more shit." Rylan said. And my heart ached. They were going to give my brother life in prison.
"Look let's not talk about this. We here to have a good time. So what's the destination?" Fabian asked.
"Greece." Rylan said which surprised me.
"Greece?" I asked.
"Yeah why not?" He added.
"Greece it is." Jon said excitedly.

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