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Inside the Dupain-Cheng bakery three girls are sitting around in Marinette's room.

Lila: So, we all know the plan right?

Chole: Yup!

Marinette: Yeah, I'm the Adrien crazy, fashion designer in the making, baker's girl.

Chloe: I'm the spoiled, rich, jealous, daddy's girl that has changed and is Mare-bare's new bestie.

Lila: And I'm the lying, manipulative little bitchy brat.

Marinette: Are you sure that this is the best idea? They are nice-

Chloe: To your face. They talk so badly about you behind your back.

Lila: Not to mention they make you babysit their siblings, organize all the school trips and events, and make sure everyone has the things that accommodate to their personal needs.

Chloe: She's right y'know. When was the last time we got to hang out like this all because you had to cancel?

The harder she thinks about it, the more she realizes that they're right. She's been neglecting them, because e everyone elected her to do so much for them.

Marinette: I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to push you guys away! I-I just didn't realize-

Lila: That they were taking advantage of your generosity?

She nods and starts crying as Chloe goes to hug her.

Chloe: It's ok Mare-bare. You have a good heart, but sometimes you forget to think with your head.

Lila: It really is cool, we just missed hanging out with you.

Marinette: I missed you guys too. And I'm sorry, again.

Chloe: We forgive you, girl!

Lila: Really!

Marinette: You guys are the best!

Chloe drags Lila into the hug, and they all fall onto the floor and start laughing again.

Sabine: Girls, I brought you some fresh baked cookies.

Chloe: Cookies!

She jumps up and takes a cookie off the tray.

Lila: Chloe, what do we say?

She asks in a stern tone of voice.

Chloe: Oops sorry! Thank you, Mrs. Dupain-Cheng!

Sabine: You're welcome. Lila, you're welcome to stay with us anytime you know. You as well Chloe.

Lila: I know, I just really wouldn't wanna impose.

Marinette: You wouldn't be imposing! We're basically sisters! My room is your room.

Chloe: You can stay at the hotel too!

She explains while shoving another cookie in her mouth.

Lila: Thank you...

Marinette: Thanks for the cookies Mama.

Sabine: You're welcome sweetie. Have fun girls, and don't stay up too late, it's a school night.

Marinette: Yes Mama.

Mrs. Dupain-Cheng goes back to the bakery leaving the girls with the tray of cookies. Chole starts scrolling through Instagram trying to find something interesting, when she comes across something that makes her eyes go wide.

Marinette: You ok Chlo?

Chloe: You remember those 3 boys from 2 years ago that had a total playboy status?

Lila: You mean Luke Rivera, Jason Storm, and Kacey Arcs?

Chloe: Yeah, them!

Marinette: Don't tell me...

Chloe: Jason's Insta says that they're coming to Paris! And they're staying permanently!

Marinette: Oh my god!

Lila: Just great! Now I have to deal with Luke!

Marinette: Luke? Try dealing with Kacey!

Chloe: Luke and Kacey? You're forgetting about Jason!

Lila: Ugh! They are so egocentric!

Marinette: Right!? Kacey is kinda cute though...

Chloe: Mari, are you hearing yourself? He's a player!

Marinette: No, no! You're right! You're right!

Lila: Let's just see what happens when we do this thing.

Chloe: Everything will be ok. All we gotta do is stick together.

Marinette: Yeah! Besties for life!

Lila: Besties for life!

Chloe: Besties for life!

They do their signature fist bump and piece sign, and get ready for bed thinking of what's going to happen once they set the plan in motion.

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