15 - First day drama

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Everyone is sitting in class trying not to zone out as they try, keyword being try, to listen to Ms. Mendeleiv drone on and on about the importance of being careful while handling dangerous chemicals without the proper protection and guidance.

Kacey tries to pay attention, but gets bored very easily and can't concentrate because of the paper balls that keep hitting the back of his head, and every time he turns around he sees Adrian with a smirk on his face.

This time, to Kacey's appeal, it isn't paper balls. It's worse. This time it's...spit wads. Every 2 minutes Kacey feels a spit wad hit the back of his head and somehow Adrien manages to not get caught.

20 minutes pass and it's finally time for their free period. Ms. Mendeleiv leaves the room (bad idea) and all the students talk amongst themselves.

Nino: Anyone else think class was a total drag?

Kacey: Oh my God, yes! I was holding myself from beating Pretty Boy's ass!

He turns around, but Adrien is no where to be found.

Jason: Where'd he go?

Kacey: He WAS right there!

He turns back around and is met with a spit wad to the face.

Adrien: Watch out, it looks like rain today.

Kacey: If you're that insecure, just say that. If I'm that incredible, just say that and move on. Instead of doing that though, here you are, mad because the woman YOU couldn't pull is all over ME and not YOU.

Marinette picks their head off the table looking groggy and sits back in their chair.

Marinette: W-What? Is class over yet? Did Ms. Mendeleiv leave?

Kagami: Class has been over for about 8 minutes now.

Marinette: Oh. Ok. Why the hell is walking wheat field here?

Kacey: I'on know. He was spouting something about rainy days and started shooting spit wads like a middle schooler.

Marinette: Real mature, Agreste. Girls LOVE a guy who shoots spit wads.

Adrien: They do!?

Kagami: (Scoffs) No. Desperate son of a-

Luka: Ok! I'd like to shift the conversation! Mrs. Tsurugi agreed to fence with me tomorrow!

Kagami: YES!

Kacey: Who?

Chloe: We've gotta go back about a week. So, Luka, Nino, Kagami and Juleka were just having fun at the park right? Scrolling through TikTok sounds, dancing, eating ice cream, y'know?

Kacey: Yeah?

Chloe: Then outta no where Kagami's mom pulls up like, "Kagami! You should be studying, or practicing your fencing!". Then Luka was all, "Ma'am, it's the weekend and I don't think-" and I kid you not when I say, that woman smacked him upside the head with that elongated stick!

Marinette: Oop-

Chloe: So then Mrs. Tsurugi it was all, "If you duel against me and win, then I will give Kagami all the freedom she wants. But if you lose, then I decide how to raise my daughter". Then she drags Kagami by her ear to their car and they went adios!

Luka: It has just now occurred to me that I've never held a Saber sword in my life. I'm screwed!

Kagami: It's not that hard. You go jab jab then you dodge then you attack then you win. In simple terms that's how you do it.

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