25 - Trial pt. 2

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Prosecutor: And you had a curfew with said father?

Pearl: Yes. 9 PM.

Prosecutor: Yet, here you are out after 1 AM. Instead of sleeping, you're out with a boy.

Pearl: You're point? Katie said as long as-

Prosecutor: You're sister isn't here, Ms. Collins! If this is the kind of thing you do when you have a little freedom, I'd hate to see what you'd do when you get a lot of freedom. No further questions.

He sits down and Naomi goes up.

Naomi: Pearl, I see you have scars around your mouth. Can you tell me what happened to cause that?

Pearl: He did it...

Naomi: Can you tell everyone here who "he" is?

Pearl quickly points to Mr. Collins and then puts her hand down.

Naomi: Notice that she pointed to the defendant? Her own father? Pearl, you're telling me that he did that to you?

Pearl: You don't believe me do you?

Naomi: Why do you assume that?

Pearl: Because everytime I pointed to him when anyone asked, they just laughed and said, "She must be confused".

Naomi: But they're gone, so someone helped you, right?

Pearl: Yup, yup!

Naomi: I was told that "someone" was Ethan Sacramento, right?

Pearl: Yeah.

Naomi: This is the last bit of footage we have.

They play the VHS and the scene from day 1 plays on screen. Although it's a soundless, everyone can see Ethan grabbing an axe off the firetruck and starts walking towards the squad car that their dad is in.

He stops with the axe in mid air when every officer points their gun at him. Pearl walks up to him and tries to calm him down with a hug. It seems to work because he drops the axe and hugs her back.

Naomi: Do you know what he was planning to do?

Pearl: He was planning to kill my dad. Plain and simple. But he didn't.

Naomi: In your opinion, do you think your father deserved to die?

Pearl: Nobody deserves to die. But the crime has to fit the punishment, and vise versa. In my opinion, I think he does, in fact, deserve the death penalty. But I don't get to make that choice.

Naomi: You may step down, Pearl.

Pearl steps down from the stand and sits back down at the table.

Judge: You're up, Ms. Ruby.

Ruby excitedly goes up and sits in the stand. Naomi gets up and starts asking her questions.

Naomi: Hi, Ruby.

Ruby: Hi! Hi!

Naomi: You're awfully excited, aren't you?

Ruby: Cited! Ruru, cited to be in small box! Talk lot of peoples!

Naomi: Do you know why you're here, Ruby?

Ruby: Ame say it cause we put scary dada in place bad peoples goes...

Naomi: Do you know what that place is called?

Ruby: No. I no know, but I wan scary dada to go bye-bye.

Naomi: Have you had a look at your medical records?

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