Chapter 29

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As the first of many, many apologies, Jacob buys Jade flowers, her favorite chocolate, a new pair of cleats, sews her jersey, and made her a very heartfelt apology letter. So, that's how we got here; with Jacob standing outside Jade's room at 2:38 AM with a basket of stuff in his hands.

He can't decide whether he wants to deliver the gift himself, leave it at the front desk, or just leave it outside her door for one of the nurses to bring in later.

After what seems like forever, he decides to just leave the basket in her room and head back home. Although he doesn't know it, Jade was awake the whole time. Drowning in her thoughts and feelings of confusion.

When Jacob leaves, Jade sits up and begins going through all the stuff in the basket. A bouquet, her favorite chocolates, a new set of cleats, two letters, and... her jersey.

She takes off the letter attached to her jersey, opens the envelope, and unfolds the neatly folded paper.

Jade: (He took time to origami fold the damn paper!?)

She quickly dismisses the thoughts of the paper and begins to read the letter:

'Dear, Jade- Nah fuck that. Hey- Nah too insensitive. Hi- too friendly. Hello- fuck I don't know how to do this. I want to start by saying I'm sorry. I know you're probably gonna throw the letter away just by seeing that, but I need to tell you.

I didn't mean to hurt you, ok? I didn't. I love soccer and I'd give any and everything just to play. But giving you up wasn't part of anything I'd ever wanna do. If you're still reading I don't think you believe me, but it's true.

One of two things can happen here. 1: You forgive me, we can start over, you and I start just being us, and I go to jail, OR 2: You hate me and I go to jail. I bet you're wondering about the whole "going to jail thing right"?

Well, I kinda, maybe, sorta bashed Derek's head into a locker. Broke his nose, fractured his skull, and had his jaw wired shut, and now his parents are deciding to press charges. If all goes well, all I get is the next two years of community service. If it doesn't... I may or may not be spending the next 10-20+ years in a cell.

Funny right? You know what they say about karma. It's a bitch. Or is it that it always comes back to you? I can't remember. Are you still reading? Who the hell am I kidding I'm writing this shit. This isn't a face-to-face interaction.

Look, the point is, either I'm forgiven or I die trying- Nah cause that just sounds like a fucking threat. MY GOD! WHY IS THIS SO HARD!? What I'm trying to say is that I'm sorry. I'm sorry and I shouldn't have done what I did.

Hey, I heard you get out of the hospital in a few days, right? Maybe we could just hang around the house for the day? Again! This. Is. A. Letter. Jacob! Oh, I know you got a new phone, so I got you a phone case you're gonna love.

I kinda just thought we could talk and chill since everyone's always out meaning we could have the house all to ourselves to do whatever. I did not mean for it to sound like that. How did that sound? Letter dumbass. I'm ranting, aren't I? LETTER! GOD DAMMIT! FUCK ME! Y'know what? I'm just gonna go now- GO WHERE!?!? THIS- Fuck this.

Not, like, fuck this, fuck you. Not fuck you. Never fuck you. Unless it's in, like, a playing way fuck you. This isn't helping is it? I'm gonna fucking kill myself. Y'know what? I'mma just... bye. Yeah, goodbye? Why the hell is this so difficult!? I wanna know how Matteo does this so easily!'

The next few paragraphs on the back of the page are just Jacob being a stupid, confused dork. Jade folds up the letter and sees a message written on the back of the envelope:

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