Chapter 31

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As the guys grill into Noah, the girls walk into their third store of the night. They all go to different sections of the store while on a video call with each other.

Pearl: Ok, so, should I get the grey cardigan or the red cardigan for Ame?

Katie: Get the grey one.

Kagami: Crop top or romper?

Everyone goes silent before laughing.

Everyone: Romper!

Juleka: Should I go for a different style this time? I feel like dark colors are to... Well, y'know.

Chloe: Worn out?

Juleka: Yeah, kinda.

Pearl: Say no more, I am on my way!

Katie: Sasha and I are at the dressing rooms.

Marinette: Are we all meeting at the front when we're done?

Lila: Yup!

Alix: Yeah!

Ruby: Sounds like a plan!

They all hang up and continue looking for more outfits. When they're all finished, they meet up at the front of the store, and decide to go for some food.

Marinette: Food at 11 PM? Isn't that a little... dangerous?

Katie: As long as we fight like our lives are in danger and stomp on any man's dick we'll be ok.

Sapphire: That's on what?

Chloe: Periodt! Maximum correctivity!

Kagami: Is that even a word?

Chloe: It is tonight!

All the girls begin walking to the decided food place, but while everyone else is talking, Sasha's trailing behind with Katie.

Sasha: Hey, uh, Katie?

Katie: Yeah?

Sasha: Is Noah...nice?

Katie: He is super nice! He gets you flowers literally every other day, he always makes sure you're happy, he always cooks for you. I could go on, but we'd be here all day.

Sasha: Is... Is he really like that?

Katie: Of course he is! He's Caleb's best friend, so I've been given all the info on Noah "Romeo" Krone!

Sasha: Romeo?

Katie: Don't let him know I told you, but his favorite stage play is Romeo and Juliet. He listens to it all the time through audios because he says the romance reminds him of you!

Sasha tries to hide her blush, but her face gets so red it's more noticeable than ever.

Sasha: He didn't say that... Did he?

Katie: Yeah! He says sappy crap like that all the time!

Sasha: So... What do we usually do together?

Katie: A lot of stuff! Stargazing, picnics, midnight drives, late night walks- The whole nine yards! Noah always has something planned for you guys, so you'll never know what's gonna happen!

Sasha: Wow!

Katie: But the best thing you guys do together is dancing under the stars on his roof. You're living with him for the time being by the way.

Sasha: I-I live with him!? How long have we been together!?

Katie: Only a few days, but you've been best friends for years, so it's a given.

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