Chapter 10 - 3 steps forward and 2 steps back

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Marinette starts tapping her hands on her legs trying to steady their breathing, but it makes them even more nervous.

Kacey puts his hands on top of theirs making them flinch from the sudden touch.

Kacey: It's just me, Bluebell. Try to breathe, match it with mine. 1,2 in...3,4 out...1,2,3,4.

Marinette: (Inhales 1,2; Exhale 3,4)

Kacey: Again. 1,2,3,4

Marinette: (Inhales 1,2; Exhales 3,4)

Kacey: Are you feeling better?

Marinette:[Voice Cracking] N-no...Ever since I was a little girl I've been afraid of the dark! I know, I know, it's immature. Good ahead and laugh, I'm a teenager afraid of the dark. Hahaha...

The elevator drops down a floor and Kacey pulls Marinette protectively close to his chest.

Marinette: I'm so scared, Kacey...What if we don't get out of here!?

Kacey: It's gonna be alright. We'll be out soon...(I hope...)

Marinette: I'm gonna kill you if you're wrong.

Kacey: Have I ever steered you wrong before?

Marinette: N-No...

Kacey: Exactly, I'd never lie to you. We will get out of here alive...and if we don't, I'd risk everything before I ever let you get hurt.

Marinette: Y-you mean that?

Kacey: I do.

Marinette: Y-you don't think it's stupid that I'm scared of the dark?

Kacey: No, of course not. You told me something personal, why would I laugh about that? I'll let you in on a little secret...I have a stuffed chick that I sleep with whenever I have nightmares.

Marinette: Really?

Kacey: Yup! But this HAS to stay between us. You gotta promise me that what I told you never leaves this elevator!

Marinette: I promise!

Kacey: Hmmm...

Marinette: Are you thinking of ways to charge our dead phones?

Kacey: Not exactly.

Marinette: Then...what?

Kacey: Just in case we don't get out of here alive, I want you to know. Marinette, I-I-

Before he can finish what he was about to say the elevator quickly drops 2 more floors making their backs hit the ceiling and roughly hit the floor again.

Kacey: Ugh!

Marinette: Ouch!

Kacey: You ok?

Marinette: Other than the pain in my stomach and knees, nothing's broken, so yeah, I'm good. What floor are we on now?

Kacey: We were on the 9th floor, we dropped 1 making us on 8, then we just dropped 2 more making us on 6th now.

Marinette: W-What if the elevator drops more? We're gonna die!

Kacey: Don't think like that! I'm sure we're gonna be fine...OH! I STILL HAVE YOUR STAFF- but it's smoothly rounded out so that's not gonna do much for us- FUCK!

Marinette: It's's a good idea anyway. Let's try! Maybe we'll get lucky!

Kacey: Yeah, maybe!

He takes the box out of his bookbag and starts assembling the staff. When he's done putting it together he tries to wedge it through the door but the edge is too smooth, so it just slides along the door everytime.

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