Chapter 5 - Can't catch a break

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Everyone is sleeping peacefully- everyone but Alix that is. No matter how hard she tries she can't get comfortable, she constantly feels like something is moving on her.

She jumps up only to slip on something slimy and fall on her ass. She feels around and feels her entire sleeping bag full of worms.

She jumps away from her sleeping bag and screams, waking up all the girls.

Marinette: W-what's happening!?

Juleka: Who's hurt!?

Chloe: What's wrong!?

Alix: They- they put- they put worms in my sleeping bag!

Juleka turns the lights on and they all see Alix's sleeping bag full of worms.

Kagami: That's absolutely sick!

Lila: I'm gonna be sick!

She runs to the nearest bathroom and pukes her guts out and Alix storms out of their room to go to the boy's room.

Marinette goes after her trying to stop her from possibly harming their friends.

Marinette: Alix, think about this for a minute.

Alix: I've thought about this enough! Don't worry I'm not gonna hurt them-

Marinette: That's Good-

Alix: I'm just gonna intimate them a little.

She has a sadistic smile on her face and Marinette waits on the other side of the hall.

Alix pounds on the door until it flings open and she hits Nino in his chest a few times making him fall onto the floor.

Nino: Dudette, what the hell-

Alix: Can it, DJ Turtle!

Trixx: Hi Alix!

Alix: Hey, Trixx!

She looks around and does a head count, noticing that Nathaniel isn't there, she goes looking around the room.

Sass: Are you looking for ssssomething, Alix?

Alix: Have any of you seen Nath?

Ivan: Sorry, no-

Alix: I know he's somewhere in here, now, if you don't tell me where I'm going to harm you.

Max: How are you gonna-

Alix: Max, I love you, but keep talking and I'm stomping on your dick.

Xuppu: He's in the closet.

Kim: Damn, that was harsh!

Alix: Thank you little Monkey! I have a bag of Banana chips with your name on them!

Xuppu: Alright!

She opens the closet and smiles down sweetly at Nathaniel, who is avoiding all eye contact with her.

Alix: Hello, Nathaniel, I have a question for you!

Wayzz: Why am I afraid?

Stompp: Maybe she's scary when she's angry?

Ivan: She is...

Nathaniel: W-what's the q-question?

Alix: You remember that science class, when we did the study on WORMS?

All the girls enter the room with their hands clasped together.

Alix: Remember when you got really interested in the topic of WORMS?

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