Chapter 27

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The weather continues to get worse as Liam makes his way down south on foot. Looking back on it, it would've been a better idea to ask Jacob to give him a ride, but that would've been a little suspicious.

At this point the snow is four feet deep. Liam's running at a fast pace trying to not sink down into it, but also find the fight club that Amethyst is at. The only lead he has to go off of is the card Jacob gave him.

"Tugg's Knockout", the only place to fight down south side. Unless you're into street fights. Almost everyone down south fights in the street, but if you're like Amethyst, rigged fights aren't your thing.

While Liam's lost in thought the snow is now at 4.5 feet. He jumps on top of the access snow and keeps running around. He gets halfway to downtown south side and stops in his tracks when he sees a staircase like entrance leading down to somewhere.

Liam puts his hood up and runs down the stairs. He slips inside without being noticed and goes to the bar at the back of the room.

Bartender: What can I get you, kid?

Liam: Nothing. I'm looking for a friend.

He shows the bartender a photo of Amethyst and waits for him to give him an answer.

Bartender: Oh, Phoenix! Yeah, she was here. About...4 hours ago? She said something about fake men, not being able to count on anyone, and having only one friend. I'm guessing that's you? Or, well, WAS you.

Liam: Y-Yeah... D-Did you say 4 hours ago?

Bartender: Yeah. She beat a bunch of ass, then just left. Didn't say where she was going, when and if she'd be back, who she was going with.

Liam: Do you know what time it was when she came in?

Bartender: About...11 PM. She wasn't exactly dressed for this weather, but it wasn't this bad when she left.

Liam: What...exactly was she wearing?

Bartender: Her usual outfit. An orange flame tank top, a pair of shorts, and she had her hair dyed to look like flames b, y'know? Red at the ends and some yellow and orange mixed in with touches of red dabbed in. If you're wondering, she left about an hour ago.

Liam: The snow got this high in just 30 minutes!

Bartender: Then you'd better find her now. Who knows where she is now.

Liam: Thank you, miss!

Liam makes his way through a crowd of people and out the door faster than he came in. When he checks his phone he sees a bunch of missed calls from Amethyst. He cursed himself for silencing her calls and texts, and tries calling her back. He waits for what seems like forever, but gets no answer.

The wind gets stronger and now has Liam struggling to even get a few steps in before being pushed back again. He decides to use all his strength and keeps pushing further downtown. Liam keeps going until he reaches the outskirts of south side. He falls to his knees in the snow and takes out his phone to call Jacob, but can't make himself click the call button.

He instead gets back up in the strong wind and piling snow, and starts checking out every single nook and cranny and going over the entire town again. Liam goes over everything once more, but comes up empty handed. He's about to just give up and call Jacob when he sees an odd patch of pink in the snow.

Liam, being the weirdo that he is, decided to sniff it. Why? We will never have the answer to that. He gets a strong metallic smell from it, and starts digging up whatever's under there. As he keeps digging, the pink gets darker turning into red and the metallic smell gets stronger.

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