14 - The new enemy

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Marinette and Kacey finally get back to the hotel feeling so exhausted they feel like their legs are gonna snap off. They go inside the hotel to find no one there.

Since everyone is probably asleep they'll have no problem getting to their room without being questioned.

Marinette: You wanna take the stairs or the elevator?

Kacey: Let's... Let's take the elevator...

Marinette: Are you sure? I don't mind walking.

Kacey: It's cool, honestly, let's take the elevator.

Marinette: Ok...

Kacey takes their hand and starts walking with them to the elevator.

Kacey: It'll be fine... Nothing bad happens twice in the same form of transport.

Marinette: Car crashes, shootings, people getting killed-

Kacey: I get your point.

They step into the elevator and Marinette pushes the 11th floor button. The elevator doors close with both their nerves rising.

Before they know it they're on the 4th floor, and with ever doing Marinette squeezes Kacey's hand.

Kacey: You ok, Bluebell?

Marinette: You want me to be honest or lie?

Kacey: I'll know if you're lying either way, so...

Marinette: No. No I'm not. The- The elevator's gonna stop again! W-We're gonna get stuck and-

Kacey: We're going to be ok, I can promise that.

Marinette: That's what you said last time, and look what happened. You landed yourself in the ER for 6 months.

Kacey: Oh c'mon, Mari, it's November! It's that time for giving thanks, showing people you care and appreciating the people you love the most. I need you to show me that you trust me.

Marinette: I- I do, but...

Kacey: I know you're scared, but...I'm here now, and I'm not going anywhere. I'll be as careful as when I'm handling glass, I promise.

Marinette: Ok...I guess I believe that...

Kacey: You won't be unsure forever! How about this: We set up a table, a few chairs, maybe some candles and have dinner on the balcony? Then we can have another dance, watch some movies, and get nice and comfortable? How's all that sound?

Marinette: That...sounds nice...

Kacey: Yeah?

Marinette: Yeah.

Kacey: Hey, look up!

She looks at the floor counter and sees that their on the 10th floor.

Marinette: Hey, we're almost there! Oh, just a heads up, you're bunking with me. Everyone had to double up on rooms, and I unpacked all your stuff for you.

Kacey: Thanks.

The doors open on the 11th floor and they start walking to their room.

Marinette: You know... You never really think about how much you love somebody, until you almost lose them...

Kacey: I couldn't agree with you more... When we were falling, all I could think was, "I have to be the hero she entrusted me to be". You gave me a chance and...it wouldn't be right to let you down.

Marinette: Kacey, I love you, but sometimes I think you don't use your head.

They walk into their room and set their bags on the floor.

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