Chapter 7 - The date

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They walk down the street while they scroll through their phones trying to agree on a restaurant to eat at.

Marinette: We could eat at that steak place?

Kacey: Nah, to overpriced. We could eat at that Italian place?

Marinette: We'd need a reservation. Do you think we should've stopped at the hotel first? Y'know, to get patched up?

Kacey: Nah it's fine. I don't know about you, but I'm fine.

Marinette: You're hurt but ok.

Kacey: I already told you, I'm going to be fine. And I think your bruises add character. They make you look stronger than you already are.

They smile and laugh a little lifting the tension that surrounded them the whole way.

Kacey: There's that smile!

Marinette: Thanks Kacey!

Kacey: No problem!

Marinette: There's a fast food joint not to far from here. Maybe...we could go there?

Kacey: At you sure? It's...not exactly the fanciest place...

Marinette: It's perfect, Kacey.

Kacey: Are you sure? We can just go for ice cream if you-

They cut him off with an elbow to the side and start laughing.

Marinette: For the last time, I'm sure! Stop worrying so much!

Kacey: look...

Marinette: Is there something wrong with my outfit?

Kacey: N-no! No, not at all! look beautiful. The color makes your eyes stand out more.

They let out a small gasp and continue walking. Keeping eye contact with the ground in doing so.

They eventually reach the burger joint and Kacey opens the door for Marinette, bowing like an idiot.

Kacey: After you, princess.

Marinette: Thank you!

They walk in first, then Kacey walks in after them. They both stop in their tracks when they see Sabrina, Mylene, Rose, and Alya sitting at a booth.

Marinette: Oh god, no...

Kacey: Just ignore them, Bluebell. Just because they're here doesn't mean they can ruin our night.

They give him an affirmative nod and they go and stand in line waiting to order their food.

Marinette: Surprised no one's asked if we were ok.

Kacey: Honestly, same.

It's their turn in line and they walk up to the cashier.

Cashier: Hello, kids! What can I- OH MY, ARE YOU TWO OK!?

Kacey: Y-yes, yes! Just a little physical altercation between a psycho! Nothing too major...

Marinette: He's telling the truth. Although, I wouldn't call him a psycho, more of an overly confident, jealous bastard.

Kacey: That works too!

The cashier looks at them in worry, but the feeling quickly disperses.

Cashier: U-uhm...yes! Well...what can I get for you kids?

Kacey: Can I get a bacon cheeseburger hold the onions, a side of curly fries, and a Cookies and Cream milkshake?

She enters it in the order register and turns to look at Marinette.

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