18 - Timing and Precision

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The last of Max's back are finally packed and they all sit on his bed waiting for the last hour to be over.

Alix: Wait, so... We- We won't have any contact with you? Like, at all?

Max: No... Not for 2 years...

Kim: Damn...

Max: Listen, if you wanna break up with me, I'd be ok with that-

Kim: No way! We'll just right letters!

Alix: We'll even graduate to carrier pigeons if we have to!

Kim: Yeah- What are those again?

Alix: Like, those pigeons that you tie the letter too and they carry it to the person.

Kim: Oh yeah! Yeah, we'll do that!

Max: You guys are the best.

Mrs. Kanté appears in the doorway with her bags in hand and Markov hovering by her head.

Mrs. Kanté: Max, we've gotta get going now.

Markov: If we leave quickly, we will shave 20 minutes off the estimated arrival time.

Max: Ok...

Mrs. Kanté and Markov head out to the car to give Alix, Max and Kim a little more time.

Alix: At least you can visit over the summer! A-And for Christmas and stuff, right?

Max: (Sigh) I went through the schedule... They don't match at all. Even if I wanted to stay, there a child laws and other stuff to deal with.

Kim: So... You really gotta go?

Max: Yeah...

Alix: We'll visit you then!

Max: That's a great idea band all, but you and I both know that your guys' parents aren't gonna let you guys take time off school just to go to the states.

He grabs his suitcases and they all leave the house and stand outside waiting for something to happen so Max doesn't have to leave.

Kim: We'll think of something.

Alix: Yeah, we swear.

Max: That's sweet, really, but I don't think there's a way out of this.

He gets in the car and Max and Kim watch them drive down the street and turn the corner before turning and starting to walk back to the hotel.

Alix: Stupid child laws...

Kim: Stupid fucking child services...

Kim holds Alix's hand with his arm around her while she wipes the tears out of her eyes.

Kim: You ok?

Alix: I'm fine, ok?

Kim: You're crying...

Alix: No, I-

Kim: I'm gonna miss him too, Alix.

Alix: Mhm...

They're about to walk through the doors when Kacey crashes into them with Marinette flying off his back being caught by Alix.

Marinette: OH! OH! OH MY! OH!

Kacey: I-I'M SORRY!

Marinette: YOU THREW ME!


Marinette: I AM TRAUMATIZED! Y-Y'know what? I-I'm gonna go hang with the girls. Let's go Alix.

Alix: Yeah, ok. Kim, catch you later?

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