Chapter 30

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Speeding down the street, Noah tries to make every single green light he can to get to the apartments faster. Unfortunately, luck was not on his side. A traffic jam that goes on for who knows how long, and he just has to be stuck in the middle.

He angrily picks up his phone, and dials Matteo's number. Matteo picks up after a few dial tones.

Matteo: Where are you, Noah? Everyone's waiting.

Noah: Traffic jam. I need you to come get my car. I'm gonna run her the rest of the way there.

Matteo: You're really set on playing the white knight, huh?

Noah: Matteo, little man, you'll understand when you fall in love one day.

Matteo: Oh, is that what you think it is?

Noah: Shut up! Traffic ain't going anywhere; just come get my car!

Matteo: I am en route!

Noah: Thanks, nephew!

Noah hangs up and gets out of the car. He gets Sasha from the back seats, and starts running down the street with her in his arms. Talk about not need a cape to be a hero. Noah looks down at her, and his steps falter when he sees what's happening.

Her skin keeps changing from cold to hot; not even giving her a chance to respond before it changes again, you can physically see her hair grow out longer, and she starts scratching at her skin again. Some of it getting under her nails, parts of her arms covered in blood splotches.

Noah: M-Meeker?

Sasha stops scratching and clutches Noah's jacket with tears running down her face.

Sasha: M-Make it stop... It hurts... I-I can't...

Noah holds her close to him and begins running like his life depends on it. Which it does. It's Sasha. She's his life.

Noah: You'll be ok soon, Meeker. I promise.

He runs faster and gets to the apartments in five minutes. Noah runs into the complex and rushes to the elevator. He literally punches the button for the 8th floor, and the elevator dings. The doors close and the elevator starts lifting. Each ding seems further and further away from each other as the elevator continues moving.

Noah: C'mon... C'mon...

Noah looks at the floor counter and sees that they're only up to the 3rd floor. Sasha starts shivering, so Noah takes off his jacket and wraps it around her.

Noah: So much for being the real life Romeo... I can't even protect my Juliet. That sounded so fucking slick; I'm in absolute shock.

The elevator finally stops at the 8th floor, and Noah runs out of the elevator and makes his way to apartment 65F. The door for the apartment was left open, so Noah just uses his foot to open the door all the way and walk inside.

Katie: Finally! What took so long, dude!?

Noah: Traffic- Running- Slow ass elevator!

Plagg: Get her to the couch!

Noah puts Sasha on the couch and sits down in one of the chairs.

Noah: Someone start explaining because I'm so confused!

Everyone looks at Tikki and she flies to Noah nervously.

Tikki: Along time ago, the very first Ladybug and Chat Noir were madly in love with each other. Neither of them wanted to tell the other for three reasons. 1. They didn't want to break the "no dating" rule, which, I, personally, thought was pretty lame.

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