Chapter 8 - The date pt. 2

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Alix: Now that that's all done-

She takes a noise maker from Max and blows it.

Alix: Thanks Max! LET THE GAMES BEGIN!

Max: This was not needed-

Alix/Chloe/Kagami: Yes it was!

Max: Ok, ok!


Luke: Ok, so, to answer the questions, you'll need to "buzz in". To do so, you need to press these buzz buttons Max has so graciously made all of you.

He passes out all the buzzers and goes back to standing with the rest of the crowd.

Nathaniel: Arcs! Are you ready!?

Kacey looks at Nathaniel with a sceptical expression and hesitantly agrees.

Kacey: ...Yeah...!?

Nathaniel: That's good enough! Agreste, are you ready?

Adrien: Hell yeah!

Marc: Watch your mouth, there are kids here!

Adrien: S-sorry...

Marc: You will be- Hey!

Nathaniel takes his hand and drags him to make him sit with everyone else in the grass.

Nathaniel: Carry on!

Jason: Ok! Everyone got all the rules?

Everyone nods their heads.

Jason: Alright! Luke, you now have the floor.

Luke: Thank you, Jason. These were all questions I've asked them in the past and now you have the chance to see if you really know them or not. Agreste your team's name will be TS (Treacherous Snakes) and Arcs your name will be MH (Marinette's Heroes) Here we go!

He goes and sits infront of all the "contestants" while they all sit Indian style on the ground.

Luke: Question number 1: What are Marinette's pronouns?

Alya buzzes in confidently.

Luke: Cesaire?

Alya: She/Her!

Luke: Sorry (not sorry), but that is incorrect.

Chloe is the next to buzz in.

Luke: Bourgeois?

Chloe: They/Them!

Luke: That is correct! 100 point to MH!


Marinette: Yes, yes I did. You just weren't listening!

Luke: Question 2: What is Marinette's favorite type of flower(s)?

Adrien buzzes in and confidently says:

Adrien: Daisies!

Kacey: Did we not just go over-

Marinette: Let it go, Kacey! It's not worth it!

Kacey: *Sigh* Ok, ok!

Luke: Sorry, that's incorrect.

Lila is the next to buzz in.

Luke: Rossi?

Lila: Although she loves Bluebells, her next favorite would have to be Lilacs given the fact it's the only other flower she isn't allergic to.

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