Chapter 32

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A week's gone by and the three days that Amethyst needed on bed rest were done with in the fastest time. They've called Caleb, Katie, and everyone else and they understand. The dance is tomorrow, but Liam and Amethyst have been avoiding each other like crazy.

When you've been staying in a cabin in the middle of nowhere with a guy you have unresolved sexual tension with, and vise versa, it's best to stay away from each other and hope it goes away on its own.

Amethyst's been outside walking around the cabin and trying to avoid Liam by staying outside everyday, and he's tryna to the same by staying inside the whole time. Unfortunately, staying away can only do so much for them.

To be fair, the whole staying away thing doesn't really work when you're sitting so close to each other. It doesn't matter how fat away they plan to sit from the other. They always find a way of being close to each other somehow.

Which brings us to where we are now. The plan was for Amethyst to stay in her room, but there was a new action movie that Amethyst has really wanted to see, so she decided to sit in the living room. Liam's plan was the same, but too was redirected by the action movie.

So that's how they got here. Sitting a few inches away from each other and trying not to have a whole breakdown because of it.

Liam: So... You figure out what colors you're wearing?

Amethyst: Nah. You?

Liam: I think so. Maybe a black hoodie and grey sweatpants.

Amethyst: Mhm. Cool.

Amethyst grabs a hoodie from off the back of the couch and puts it on. Now, there wouldn't be a problem,'s Liam's hoodie. Liam stops eating and side glances at her before going back to eating and watching the movie.

Liam: That's my hoodie.

Amethyst: Hmm?

Amethyst looks down and sees the hoodie is a few sizes bigger than her.

Amethyst: Oh. My bad.

Liam: It's good.

Amethyst: Are you...ok? You seem a little...

Liam: What!?

Amethyst: Compressed. Angry. Dare I say constipated?

Liam stops eating and just gets up from the couch looking angry. He walks to the kitchen and starts cleaning his plate.

Liam: I'm fine!

Amethyst: Whoa! Ok. Not angry. Constipated? Is that it? Can big man not poop~? Can't do your duty~?

Liam just leaves his dirty dishes in the sink and just goes to his room. Before he slams the door he yells out the door.


Amethyst follows him laughing and sticks her head in his room with a large grin.

Amethyst: Are you compressed? Are you too frustrated to express emotion? Do you need cheering up?

Liam: NO!

Amethyst giggles and decides to poke fun at his earlier statement.

Amethyst: I thought you said you weren't angry~!


Amethyst: Frustrated? Is it because of the hoodie? I can take it off-


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