24 - Trial

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Katie makes sure to wake up early to start making breakfast for Amethyst, Pearl, Ruby, and their crushes. She makes five cheese omelettes for everyone and makes sure to make Ethan two since that man can eat.

She also makes sure to make Ame's with five different kinds of Mushroom, Peppers, and Soy Milk.

Everyone eventually wakes up and comes down for breakfast. When they finish, Liam, Jason, Ethan, Pearl, Amethyst, and Ruby all go to get ready for the court hearing. When they come back down, Ruby, Amethyst, and Pearl are in an outfit consisting of a sports bra, a tank top, and a pair of shorts. The guys just ate wearing sweaters and jeans.

Katie: It's getting cold out. You sure you wanna go in that?

Ruby: Yup.

Pearl: Absolutely.

Amethyst: 100%.

Jason: We've got extra sweaters just in case.

Katie: Alright. Noah's outside. Get a move on, and when he's sentenced to life, make sure you dance for me, ok?

Ruby: Hell yeah!

Katie: Language.

Ruby: Sorry!

Katie: Go. Don't keep them waiting.

They all run out the door and run to the car as it starts to snow.

Pearl: Hi, Aunt Sasha. Uncle Noah.

Noah: Hey!

Sasha: Hi! You ready?

Ruby: I was born ready!

Amethyst: Let's do this!

Pearl: Y'all all excited, and there's me. Scared shirtless.

Ethan: You'll be fine.

Pearl: I don't believe you, but thanks anyway.

Noah starts driving to the court house and looks back at the kids through the rearview mirror. They're all sleeping in their seats. The only sound being the gravel under the revolving tires, the snoring coming from them, and the sound of Sasha tapping her nails on the cup holder.

Noah: Ok, what did you see?

Sasha: What...?

Noah: You're doing that nail thing you do when you see something even the littlest but of remotely disturbing.

Sasha: No, I don't.

Noah: Yes, you do.

Sasha: No, I-

Noah: Sasha, stop it. What did you see?

Sasha: (Sigh) I went down to the jail. I- I saw their dad...

Noah: Whoa...

Sasha: They had to have him on 24/7 guard watch. He tried to kill me. His teeth are crazy sharp, tattoos everywhere, he...he looks like a walking demon...

Noah: When did you-

Sasha: A week ago. I haven't slept in a week. He said, "I'm gonna make sure my buddies get ya! Ya and ya little gang of friends! Those sluts for daughters too!" Then the guards dragged him away and he just kept screaming, "They're gonna get ya! They're gonna get ya!"

Noah: That doesn't make any sense. All his "buddies" were already sentenced. They all got life just like he's about to.

Sasha: I know! That's why I'm freaking out. What if there are others!?

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