20 - Scout out

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Marinette: Ok, so we go over the plan one last time! Luke, Nath, Ivan, and Nino: You guys are in charge of figuring out any loop holes to get anyone out of danger so changes CAN! BE! PRESSED!

Nino: You can count on it!

Marinette: Chloe, Lila, Luke: I need you guys to get me an application for ISP and get it to me ASAP!

Lila: Getting the get-go already!

Marinette: Alix, Kim, Juleka, and Kagami: Please, for the love of God, make sure that Kacey doesn't do anything stupid, burn the hotel down, go after Agreste, ect. I made a list and sent it via email.

Kacey: Hey, that's not-

Alix: Nobody asked you to speak.

Kagami: Be happy she even mentioned your name.

Kim: We got you!

Juleka: Yeah we do!

Jason: What about me?

Marinette: You're with me. You know everyone, everywhere, so you'll be able to tell me weather or not their dangerous or not because I'm not tryna die up, or rather, down there.

Jason: You do have a good point.

Alix: You only wanna know if your mystery man is part of a street gang.

Marinette: Shut the fuck up, Alix.

Kim: We-

Luka: -are so-

Nino: -talking-

All: Later!

Marinette: I let out a string of breathes! I breathe and the world and everyone I know is against me! Can't ever get with what's right!

Chloe: You're rambling.

Marinette: Yeah, my bad! Anyway! Groups: Operation Next Gen is an all clear go!

Everyone: YEAH!

Everyone breaks off into their groups and starts going off on their assigned tasks. Jason takes a helmet out his bag and hands it to Marinette before they climb on his bike and start their way down East Side Paris.

Jason: So? What's the new guy's name?

Marinette: W-What new guy?

Jason: You know who I mean~ Who the hell are kissing up on?

Marinette: I'm not kissing up on anyone! But...his name is Atlas Mason.


Marinette: Yeah, that's him. You know him or something?

Jason: Hell yeah I do! We were super tight in grade school. The thing about him is that he can be both anywhere and everywhere, but also nowhere at the same time. He's a super trippy dude. In the best way, of course, and his sister can drip anyone out asf.

Marinette: That's kinda cool.

Jason: It's not just "kinda cool". It's boss work cool, that's what it is!

Marinette: Ok, ok!

Jason: It's drop period at ISP, so he's got FB practice right now.

Marinette: What's a drop period?

Jason: It's like a free period at your school, but they call it a drop period.

Marinette: Oh. There school sounds so much cooler to be real.

Jason parks his bike and they go into the high school and stop at the front desk.

Secretary: You two late?

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