16 - Numerous Talks

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It's 12 PM, lunchtime, when Marinette wakes up. They lay there for a few minutes before they remember their on the floor and try to get up, but are held in place.

Kacey: Where do you think you're going, Baby?

Marinette: I'm trying to get up off the dann floor. My back hurts.

Kacey: Still jealous of the floor.

Marinette: (Sigh) I'll let you hit if you get off the fucking floor, Jackass.

He sits up so fast that he almost falls forward on his face.

Kacey: For real?

Marinette: So THAT gets your attention, but me being in pain doesn't!? I'd hate to see what would happen if we got caught in an avalanche.

Kacey: What do you take me for? A horny dog?

They sit up with a straight face and look him dead in the eyes.

Marinette: Yes. That's exactly who I take you for. Now, get up before I drag you by the skin in the back of your neck.

They get up and tiredly walks to their shared closet and pulls out two of Kacey's shirts. One for herself and one for him. They put their shirts on and head to the bakery.

Kacey: I want cookies.

Marinette: You can have some cookies.

Marinette goes to open the door, but before she can, Mr. Dupain-Cheng opens the door and stands up straighter so he looks taller to a very nervous and trembling Kacey and a very annoyed Marinette.

Tom: Hello, boy.

Kacey: H-H-Hello, s-s-sir...

Marinette: Papa, stop it! You're scaring him.

Tom: Good.

Sabine: Tom, stop scaring the poor boy. Come in, both of you!

Marinette: Thank you, Mama! Let's go, Kacey!

Kacey: Y-Y-Yeah...

Tom keeps his eyes trained on Kacey the entire time they walk into the bakery, up to the family apartment and into the living room. Everyone sits down on the couches and Tom continues to stare down Kacey who is trying to avoid his gaze at all costs.

Marinette: S-So, how was your guys' day so far?

Sabine: It was really good, Marinette. Thanks for asking.

Marinette: Papa, how was your day?

Tom: It was fine. We sold a lot of pastries today.

Marinette: That's nice.

Sabine: So... You're the famous Kacey Arcs we've heard so much about?

Kacey: Y-Yes, Ma'am, that's me.

Tom: What are your intentions with my daughter?

Kacey: I can assure you, sir, that my intentions are anything but bad.

Tom: Anything but bad you say?

Kacey: Y-Yes, sir.

Tom: Let's say that somebody were to break into your house in the future. What do you do?

Kacey: E-Excuse me, sir?

Tom: Answer the question.

Marinette leans in close to Kacey.

Marinette: Be yourself.

Kacey: Ok.

They go back to the way they were sitting before and Kacey clears his throat.

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