17 - Traveling & Rescued

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It's evening now and the sun is starting to set in Paris. The sky is the most beautiful shade of orange, yellow and blue, and while everyone else is at the hotel, Kim and Alix and Max are sitting at the park eating ice cream that they got from André's a few minutes ago.

Alix is sitting in the tree, opposite to Max and Kim, who are sitting on the ground with their backs pressed against the truck of the tree.

Kim: So, Max, what was this "surprise" you have for us?

Alix: Is it good or bad?

Kim: Will there be cake?

Max: There won't be any cake.

Kim: Awww.

Max: The news isn't exactly...good...

Alix: Is it bad or is it horrendous?

Max: It's the kind of news that'll make you wanna die.

Kim: That bad, huh?

Max: So... I- I'm-

Alix: Out with it, Max. I'm sure it's not that bad-


Everything goes quiet and there is a sudden thick tension in the air.

Kim: Haha... It almost sounded like you said you were moving...

Alix: To- To the states...

Max: I...I did...

Alix: Why?

Max: My mom accepted the promotion of CEO, so now we have to move to the states for her work...

Kim: So...she's the CEO of the Startrain company now?

Max: Yeah...

Alix: And you're moving to the states, like, permanently?

Max: Mhm mhm...

Kim: When do you leave?

Max: Don't get mad but...

Alix: But?

Max: I leave tonight...

Alix: WHAT!?

Alix falls out of the tree and lands on her head on the ground.

Alix: Ow...

Max/Kim: Are you ok!?

Alix: Yeah, don't worry... I've taken harder blows to the head than that.

Kim: Ok, but back to you, Max!

Alix: Yeah! What the hell, man!?

Max: I just found out this morning, don't get mad at me! It was short notice!

Kim: What time does your flight leave?

Max: Tonight at 11:45...

Alix: What!? But it's already after 8!

Kim: Well, we just gotta make the most of the last 3 hours!

Alix: Yeah, let's go!

Alix and Kim grab Max's hands and they start running to their first spot.

Max: Where are we going?

Kim: Y'know that trampoline park you've been dying to go to?

Max: No way! That place is like, fifty dollars per person!

Alix: Ok? I always carry a hundred on me.

Kim: Me too. You never know when you're gonna need it.

Max: You never know when you're gonna get mugged either.

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