21 - Scout out pt. 2

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The bell rings for the second drop period of the day and Jade immediately runs from her classroom to the soccer field. She hasn't seen Jacob all day, but isn't worried about it since their schedules never line up on Fridays anyway.

She goes to the locker room and changes into an extra soccer uniform she got from Jacob. Jade runs out of the locker room, but not before grabbing an extra soccer ball since the guys aren't gonna let her play with them.

She goes out to the field and sees the rest of the team already there, so she hides behind the bleachers to scare Jacob.

Brian: You think that freak is gonna try and play again?

Shawn: The one with the green hair?

Brian: Yeah.

Shawn: It's not like she has any chance of getting on the team, no one's gonna want her anyway.

Derek: For real! Hey, Jacob, you hang out with her. Talk some sense into her, will you?

Jacob: I've tried giving her hints about it. Like: "It's very competitive out there, so don't feel bad if you don't get a spot" or "Everyone's a lot more aggressive than you think they are", but she's persistent! What do you want me to do!?

Derek: Find a way to ditch her or something. She obviously has no chance, she just needs someone she trusts to tell her that.

Jacob laughs awkwardly while everyone else has a full on party. Jade grabs the soccer and clenches it in her hands.

Shaun: Do you really think she has a chance or are you just messing with her?

Jade takes some deep breaths and listens for what Jacob is going to say.

Jacob: I really don't care. She isn't getting in and refuses to listen to me, so I might as well let her learn the hard way.

Brian: So, you really never believed she could do it? Not even a little?

Jacob: Are you kidding? Why the fuck would anyone want a freak like her on the team? She'll just drag us down anyway. We may have not won any games, but having her on the team's only gonna make it worse.

Jade walks out from behind the bleachers and throws the ball at Jacob's face. She tears the jersey off, ripping the it to shreds along with the necklace she got from Jacob and stomps on the discarded shirt.


She runs out to the front shoving Amethyst, Sapphire, and Ethan out of the way on the way there.

Sapphire: Jade, what happened?

Amethyst: Jade, wait!

Jacob runs past them, but Ethan pulls him back before he can get too far.

Jacob: Let me go, man!

Ethan: What did you do?

Jacob: I fucked up that's what! Let me go!

Ethan let's go of his shirt and everyone runs to the school gates and sees Jade riding down the road on her bike.

Jacob: Fuck...

Amethyst: What did you say to her!?

Jacob: It's not what I said to her... It's what I said about her...

Amethyst: YOU SAID WHAT!?

Jacob: I know...


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