19 - Breakup + new guy

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It's been 4 months since Marinette's assault and although they're getting better, they can start to notice some changes in a certain someone. Kacey.

He barely hangs out with them anymore, they barely talk, and the only time they actually interact is when one of them bumps into the other and while Marinette says sorry with meaning, Kacey only gives them a half-assed sorry and goes back to doing whatever he was doing before.

They've noticed that Kacey spends most of his time around any other girl in school. Not that there's anything wrong with having opposite gender friends, but when your own boyfriend starts laughing with them more than he does with you... It kinda starts to hurt.

So, here we are with all the girls sitting around in Juleka and Nino's room laughing and having fun, except for Marinette, who is sulking in a chair.

Kagami: Mari, are you ok?

Marinette: Am I a bad girlfriend?

Alix: Ok, hold up! Stop the laughing and fun! What the fuck are you saying, Mari?

Lila: Yeah! You're like, the best person ever!

Marinette: Well, everytime I ask Kacey to hang out, he blows me off and says he's busy. And you know those projects that we've got due next week?

Chloe: Yeah?

Marinette: Y'know how he's partnered with Rose? I just thought that since I'm kinda...y'know, boring...that I might've did something and-

Juleka: Now that you say that...

Chloe: What?

Juleka: I asked Kacey if something was wrong, right? He just scoffed and walked away. Then he came back to the table 5 minutes later and said, "Tell her she knows what she did!" and left again. He left WITH Rose, so...

Marinette: Did I do something to make him mad?

Lila: I don't think so... You guys have barely talked and- and HE'S been the one ignoring YOU!

Alix: Yeah! Everytime you try and talk to him, he basically says, "Fuck off and go fuck yourself".

Kagami: I don't have any proof, but... Do you think he's cheating on you with Rose?

Marinette: Maybe...I don't know, but if he is...I'm just gonna let him know this: A guy from East Side Paris slid into my DMs on Insta and...

Lila: You think he's cute?

Marinette: Maybe I do and maybe I don't. I'm not telling.

Kagami: But...do you?

Marinette: Yes!

All the girls jump and scream while Marinette pulls up a picture from Instagram with the caption: "Feelin' great td. hmu pretty like damn (@Mari.bella)

Marinette: Look! Look, look!

Marinette: Look! Look, look!

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