Chapter 34

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Everything's been going well so far. Everyone is still on edge though given everything that's happened. They all write to Matteo and Ethan, and continue to stay on their toes. All the girls get ready to head to the store having the feeling that something's gonna go wrong.

Ruby: I'm telling you, one of us has to stay!

Sapphire: You're overreacting, Ru. What could go wrong in fifteen minutes?

Ruby: Uh, I don't know, A LOT!?

Katie: Later!

Caleb: Later!

They all leave leaving the guys alone. Ruby keeps protesting, but in the end, ends up in their new van anyway.

Pearl: I'm still not over the fact that Uncle Caleb got us a new van.

Jade: No, because I'm not either!

Katie: How much money do we have, Sapph?

Sapphire: We're only $500 away from paying him back fully! We're very close!

Pearl: I'll go to the ATM. I just got my check.

Katie: Ok. Let's go.

Katie pulls off and starts toward the store. What they don't realize is that a group of people who look exactly like them make their way across the street. Confused? Let's go back about two chapters to the end.


Not knowing that things are gonna get worse, Liam and Amethyst fall asleep quickly not thinking anything will go wrong. Little do they know, everything's already beginning to go to hell.

{Unknown location}

Ashley: Olivia, send them out.

Olivia: Yes ma'am.

Olivia uploads a file and her and Ashley cackle maniacally.

Ashley: The freaks are going down.


This was the day that Ashley had Olivia send out plans for an on notice, top secret plan. Her father was in a VERY high position of power, so he had access to almost any illegal operations activity that he could get his hands on. One of those operations includes the unauthorized cloning of unwilling participants, and unfortunately, the Collins family were those unwilling participants.

Anyway, the copy cats make their way across the street with "Katie" carrying a duffle bag full of a gasoline tank, some matches, and a few bottles of beer. "Katie" hands them all a bottle after pouring gasoline around the house. They light matches and drop them onto the gasoline, then light some more and toss them into the beer bottles and throw them in through the windows.

They run away making sure the guys get a good look at their faces and smile wickedly. By the time all the Sacramentos get our of the house and call the fire department everything's already burned to the ground. Everything's been reduced to ash. The girls pull up in the van not even three minutes later and see the state of the house.

Katie: Holy shit!

Ruby: What happened!?

Amethyst: I know this isn't the time, but was Li tryna cook again?

Amethyst laughs lightly, but stops when Liam runs at her and punches her in the mouth so hard he knocks out her wisdom tooth making blood pool and spill out of her mouth in an instant.

Jade: What the hell, man!? What was that for!?

Pearl: Yeah, what did she do!?

Katie: You better get your damn brother, Caleb!

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