Chapter 11 - The start of the tumbling dominoes

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Dr. Martinez: Mr. Arcs has lost a lot of blood and has many fatal wounds. We were able to patch up all the damage the wounds inflicted on him, but we had to put him in a medically induced coma because of the large amount of blood he's lost.

Jason: Bottom line being?

Dr. Martinez: If he doesn't receive a blood transfusion in the next 48 hours he could die...


Jason: W-WHAT!? WE- WE CAN'T LET THAT HAPPEN! WE GOTTA DO SOMETHING! I'm B Negative, can I do the procedure!?

Dr. Martinez: I'm sorry, but A and B don't mix. If you were to do the procedure he could have an allergic reaction or have health complications causing him to die.

Jason: We've gotta do something, he's- he's basically my brother! I can't loose him! We- we could...we...

Chloe: Wait! Mari's O Negative! She's a universal donor, she can save him!


Mr. Arcs: Marinette is wonderful young lady! Perfect for Kacey!

Mrs. Arcs: She's a gold digger and she wants our family name for money!

Nino: I would really like if you would stop calling my sister a gold digger. She isn't one and I don't know why you think she is, but if you're willing to let your son die because you don't like her, then you'd be the one to seem like a gold digger. Just from looking at him, your man looks like he makes big bank!

Dr. Martinez: Either way, since he's 19 only one of your signatures is required. You'll also need the consent of the other party.

Mr. Arcs: I will sign the papers! I know Marinette, she is very sweet girl. Perfect match for my son.

Dr. Martinez: That's great. We just need to ask Ms. Dupain-Cheng and we'll be all set.

Jason: Then what are we waiting for!? Let's move, move, move!

Everyone starts heading to Marinette's room worried about what's gonna happen to Kacey.

Chloe: Marinette, you're ok!

Marinette: Yeah, I-


Dr. Martinez: If you don't settle down we will be forced to remove you from hospital grounds! Now, I think you know why I'm here, Ms. Dupain-Cheng?

Marinette: It's about Kacey right? Is he gonna be ok?

Dr. Martinez: He will be if he gets a blood transfusion, but for that to happen-

Marinette: You're wondering if I'll do it because I'm a world wide donor right?

Dr. Martinez: You're a smart one, aren't you? Yes, we are wondering if you'd be willing to do the procedure?

Marinette: I-

Mrs. Arcs: If she's going to go through with this, I have a...proposition for her.

Marinette: Excuse me?

Mrs. Arcs: If you're going to do this, when you are both released- since you're getting out in 6 weeks anyway, I don't want you going anywhere near my son! You are to stay away from him and if I see you associating with him in any way, I will personally make sure we move back to Russia.

Marinette: W-What!? You- you can't!

Mrs. Arcs: I can and I will!

Marinette: So, you want me to just cut ties with him completely? Is that it? Is that all I have to do?

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