13 - Their progress

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Week 1 (Marinette): They gets their X-rays of their leg before it's healed and is given one of those slim blow-dryers with multiple cool - frozen settings to stop itching.

Week 2 (Marinette): They start talking about physical therapy and get them some crutches and a brace for them to be able to get around on their own.

Week 3 (Marinette): They allow them to keep track of Kacey's progress and they couldn't be prouder of the rapid pace of Kacey's recovery.

Week 4 (Marinette): Their dates for their physical therapy sessions are confirmed, and they make sure to check up with Kacey's progress from time to time.

Week 5 (Marinette): After 4 weeks of itching they finally gets their casts off and are relieved to finally be able to scratch. They start their physical therapy as well and is told to be doing very well.

Week 6 (Marinette): They're released and are picked up by Chloe and Jason, and has permission to come back and check up on Kacey anytime they want.

Months 1 + 2 (Kacey): He gets CAT scans every other week and starts remembering some things as well as getting told most of the things he's forgotten. He tries to hang out with Marinette he's told he can't because of "medical issues" which bums him out.

Months 3 + 4 (Kacey): He starts his physical therapy and is making great progress fast. He's still in his wheel chair, but they've also given him a set of crutches so he can go out to the garden and make his way around without much help.

Months 5 + 6 (Kacey): He is now in the home stretch of his healing. He no longer needs to have CAT scans, he's remembered everything that's happened, and he only has 4 more days until he can leave the hospital.

Kacey is sitting on his hospital bed cross legged and scrolling through his pictures of him and Mari together. His memory is still a little hazy, but he remembers most things. He starts thinking about when he first got to Paris, when he first saw Marinette after a long time.

He now starts thinking about his first year at Françoise Dupont. He's gonna be in 11th grade, starting in the middle of the year now, and for the first time ever, he'll admit that...he's scared. Most of his memories involving Marinette, and doesn't know how they'll react when they see him.

His anxiety starts showing and he starts breathing faster to the point he can barely get any air. The thoughts in his mind are racing at 100 miles per hour and he tries to calm down, but he can't.

'Is she gonna hate me? Why hasn't she visited me? Did I do something? Did I hurt her? Do I have a chance with her? Did she already find someone else? Why can't I remember her?'

He takes a sip of water and manages to calm down before he lays down on his bad and stares at nothing on the ceiling trying to bring back his memories of Marinette, but draws a blank every single time.

'Remember damnit! Why can't I remember!? Remember. Remember! REMEMBER HER! REMEMBER! REMEMBER! REMEMBER!'

He puts his hands over his ears and tries to drown out the voices that are screaming. Kacey jumps out of bed, and out of anger, smashes the wooden table on the side of his bed.

The nurses, doctors, Luke and Jason run in the room and see him clawing at his arms. Luke and Jason restrain his arms while the nurses use some belts to tie his hands to the hospital bed.


Luke: He hasn't had an anxiety attack since-

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