Chapter 12 - (Side Chapter)

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Noah: Y'know, it was pretty lame how I got my shit rocked the first time, wasn't it?

Sasha: H-huh?

Noah: Most guys would've had them begging for mercy, but nope- not me! I was on that ground faster than an ice cream cone in the Summer! My lights were off! The cameras caught everything but nobody was home!

Sasha starts laughing and Noah cracks a little smile and- (for the sake of hearing her laugh again) decides to keep the skit going.

Noah: For someone that talks and thinks so highly of themselves, I got my ass whooped. Kinda weak if I do say so myself. Mr. HighAndMighty, Noah Krone, the man that thinks he's the shit, getting his shit rocked. BOOM! Just like that!

Sasha: Y-you weren't so b-bad. Yeah, you may have got your shit rocked, coughed up a bile pond, and yeah, you're a little more bruised up than you interpreted-

Noah: Can you skip to the good part of all that please?

Sasha: Y-you may have had all that happen- which reminds me, we need to get you patched up, but ANYWAY- All that may have happened, but I thought it was pretty cool the way you bash their heads with that bat...

Noah: Cool or hot?

Sasha: Definitely cool.

Noah: So it wasn't even a little hot?

Sasha: Well...

Noah: Well?

Sasha: W-well...maybe a little...


Sasha: I ain't never said a damn thing like that! All I said was that-

Noah: You thought IT was hot and you think I AM hot! It's a win-win!

Sasha: Hot- HOW! How is this a win-win?

Noah: You get to spend time with me and I get to hang with you until further notice. Win-win, you get me?

Sasha: You sound stupid.

Noah: I- damn, ok. What's your life been like though, y'know, before you joined our firehouse?

Sasha: I lived with my mom, dad and 3 older brothers, but when my mom and dad got divorced I had to come to Paris with him, while they got to stay in Barcelona with Mama. I was really into ancient myths too!

Noah: Oh yeah?

Sasha: Yup! My favorite was actually this old, super cheesy thousand year old curse called "Lovers Burden".

Noah: Sounds like a cheesy Rom-com movie.

Sasha: It's kinda like a soulmate type thing where one person is put in some type of pain by an outside party, and the amount they're put in causes them not to be able to say the others name, be put in pain when they're around them, so they actually have to avoid eachother at all costs. It was actually started as a theory in 1856 in Greece when two lovers were feuding. Kinda like Romeo and Juliet or some shit. Well, one party can avoid the other person or they can both avoid eachother if they both have it. But it's more likely that only one person would get-

Noah: I was right! It's like a cheesy Rom-com movie!

Sasha: Whatever.

Noah: You're jizzed 'cause I'm right.

Sasha: You're an ass, y'know that?

Noah: Yeah, but you're cute when your mad sooo...

Sasha: What about your home life NYC?

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