Wishful thinking

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"The nerve of that bitch!" Freya said as her fist went flying through a wall. Marceline had just finished drop kicking a table in half and looked back at my frozen ice cube hand while we sat in the middle of the nurse's office.

"Why would Lizbeth do this to you?" Marceline asked confused. She ran her hand through her brown hair and bit her pink lips. "I'm going to kill her."

"You absolutely will not." Vale protested as walked into the office, barely managing to slam it shut. The screams and cries of fan girls on the outside became drained out by Vale's voice. "Killing her would only bring down the wrath of the headmaster and all his connections. He may not be a god like Mike, but he has the sure footed alliances of the rest of the gods on Earth; and alliances that we don't even know of. You'd have time be an idiot to piss him off. And killing Lizbeth, his only family left, would be the number one ticket down that path."

Marceline crossed her arms, and I couldn't help but notice her look at me with a worried expression.

"I'm not her responsibility anymore." I thought to Vale slightly pained. "So why does she keep doing all this stuff for me?" Vale looked at me with a soft smile, but didn't respond. "Vale?"

"What are his options Freya?" Valentines asked, her eyes focused on the blonde and unmoving. Freya looked up as if she was out of a trance and looked confused.


Hailey came from the other side of the nurses office and I flinched. How did I manage to not sense her presence again? She hurriedly walked over to Freya, a clipboard in her hand. Freya looked at her and swatted it away, but Hailey kept insisting that she look at it.

"Freya, it's about the kids. You have to look at this."

My ear perked at the mention of the twins, but Freya shook her head in a disinterested fashion. "One problem at a time." She looked at me and her eyes became sad. "We're going to have to chop the hand off."

"What?" Marceline exclaimed. "Do we even need to be that extreme? It's just ice Freya!" Freya rubbed her head and faced me with exhausted eyes.

"Is it true?" I asked nervously. "Am I going to lose my hand?" Freya's eyes softened and she began to approach me, but cut herself off and placed a hand on her elbow.

"Mikey...Lizbeth is a kind and innocent soul, but growing up she was known as the 'ice dragon' because of the things she had to do to protect herself and Elvin while they lived on the streets. She's had years to hone her abilites, and has had them consistently tested. If she failed, she would have faced death. Everyday was a battle for her before the headmaster picked them up. And as a result of that, her ice has proven itself to be unbreakable."

"If we can't break it, we can melt it." Marceline growled, crossing her arms in an upset manner.

Vale scoffed. "And what if it doesn't work?" She muttered.

Freya ran her hand through her pretty hair. "It won't." Freya grumbled. "Remember Gwen? That boy is still a popsicle, even though it's been years. If she doesn't want it to subside, it won't. The hand has to come off."

My eyes widened and I covered my mouth with my right hand. I had long lost the feeling in my left hand and began to question whether or not I would ever be able to move it again. A hand was placed on my shoulder and I looked up into Hailey's clear blue eyes. "Hey um, Mike?" She avoided my eyes and I heard her heart began to pick up the pace. My eyes flickered to Marceline who looked away hurt, and Freya was looking down at the clipboard that Hailey had passed to her.

"Holy... okay, you guys think that over, I'll be over here in the back." Freya said swinging the clipboard to the nearest desk before disappearing in the back.

The kids!

I placed my hand on Hailey's and began to stand up. "The kids. Are they okay? Are the twins doing alright?" Hailey looked at me taken back.

"The twins?" She repeated surprised. "You still care for them, even though they aren't yours?" My eyebrow twitched as a sudden anger took control of my mind.

"Of course I-" Before I could keep speaking, a hand was clamped over my mouth. I looked up to see Vale's cold glare meet Hailey's nervous eyes.

"Was there something you wanted to ask Michael?" Vale said, her tone surprisingly lifeless. My eyes darted up and for a second, I was scared of her.

Vale ...?

Hailey took her hand away from mine and nodded, swallowing to make her dry throat moist. "Uh, yes! There was something..." Hailey looked around and saw Marceline curiously peering at her. "There's something that Marceline can do to help your hand."

My eyes widened while Marceline shrugged it off. "Mike probably doesn't even want my help."

"Are you kidding me?" I blurted out. "I'm about lose my hand for good and you think that I don't want help?"

Marceline looked at me unsure. "Yeah, but not my help..." I sensed Vale become impatient behind me.

"What can Marceline do to help Michael?" She asked slightly annoyed. Hailey went back to the platform that Freya threw her clipboard and held it close to her chest.

"Well... you see; a while ago I read a book that was about the early golden gods. One of them, Thomas, lost his hand to a pack of werewolves."

"Werewolves." Marceline shivered. "Those beast." Hailey looked at Marceline and made a soft smile.

"Marceline," Hailey began. "If it comforts you, Thomas killed the werewolves and their kin one handedly in an effort to prove that he was still capable carrying out his duties." Marceline eased at those words and blushed a bit, making me even more confused.

How does that make anyone feel better?

"As I was saying, Thomas lost his hand in battle." Hailey summerized. "And he was being driven insane because of it. So he went to the vampires, the most efficient healers at the time."

"Yeah, but there's a problem." Vale interrupted. "The vampires aren't what they used to be, and the Angels now carry their past abilities. No Angel would help Michael simply because he asked." I winced and Vale petted my head affectionately. "Sorry Michael."

"Yeah, but here's the catch." Hailey said fidgeting. "The golden god Thomas didn't ask the vampires for help. He um... He forced them to allow him to drink their blood and absorbed the knowledge their blood carried. As a god, he unlocked its secrets and regenerated his hand. But in order to keep his hand from weakening, he needed a constant supply of Vampire blood around." Hailey turned to Vale. "The angels may have the abilities, but the vampires still carry this secret in their blood, and Mike may be able to unlock it."

Marceline bit her lips and looked at me. And I don't know why, but the sight of her made my heart pound and I couldn't bring my eyes away from her figure. She opened her mouth to speak, and noticed the previous blush of her cheeks increase. "Does that mean..." She looked at me, noticed my piercing glaze and returned it.

"That Mike still needs me?"

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