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You like Yoongi, you really don't feel like getting killed by him.

The way you see it, you have two options. Tell Jimin the truth, or tell him another lie. If you tell him the truth, that could get messy. Jimin would learn that you were sent to kill him but didn't because, well... you're in love with him. Very much so in love with him. You could lose him by telling the truth. So another lie it is.

After throwing the body off the balcony and cleaning the blood, you and Jimin sigh, sitting on his bed. "So we'll need to get a new place," he says, you nodding in agreement. "I have a lot of houses and penthouses, we can find another but it won't be the same without my room."

You turn towards him. "I have a better idea." He raises a brow. "We buy a place together, take all your toys and make the room again. Together." 

He softly smiles, placing his hand on your cheek. "You're a genius." 

"No I'm a human." 

"That smartass setting really never dials down, does it?"

You softly laugh, pecking his lips. "Never. Now, I think I owe you an explanation." 

"Yes you do," he says in a teasing tone, surprisingly not very affected by the way a man broke into the penthouse. 

"I found something out today." He gives you a patient look while you sigh, looking down. "Mr. Jeon and Mr. Jung are working together to kill me. I was out doing a torture mission with two guards when we got ambushed. I ran away, took down two guys. They had Jeon family rings. They weren't assassins, they were soldiers. I just wish I knew why Mr. Jeon wants me dead." They were Jung family rings, but to keep the lie, Jeon it is.

He frowns. "So does this mean you're on the run?"

You run a hand through your hair. "It means I'm on the run." Jimin and you go quiet for a few moments, then, your phone rings. You sigh, grabbing it and seeing the caller ID. Your eyes widen upon seeing the words 'Boss' spelled out on the screen. "I have to take this," you mutter, standing and walking into the kitchen. Jimin respects your privacy, still sitting on the bed while you answer the call. "Yes sir?" 

"I wanted to call and let you know that I'm okay, we got out of there." 

You let out a shaky breath, dropping your voice so low Jimin won't hear it. "And the enemy?" 

"We took care of them. Lost a guard but there were too many for all of us to come out alive. You have to keep moving, don't stay in one place for too long. Did they find Jimin's penthouse?"

"They found it, yes." 

"Is he alright?" 

"I'm with him now, he's fine." 

Yoongi sighs, almost as if sighing in relief. "Good. I'm glad." He's... glad? Oh right, the mission. All hope your heart had just dies as soon as you remember that Yoongi only cares about the mission. How the hell are you going to get out of this? "I hear rumors Y/n. I think Mr. Jung himself is going to start coming after you."

"How do you know?" 

"One of the men we downed, he was screaming and laughing about how you'd be dead, how Mr. Jung was going to kill you soon."

"I'll take care of him. I can guarantee he won't survive. Jimin and I will kill him before he so much as breathes in my direction."

He chuckles. "That confidence, I adore it. Be prepared for anything. Stay safe. Please stay alive." 

You nod, "I will sir... for what it's worth, take care of yourself." 

There's a beat of silence. "Thank you, I will. You're dismissed." You hang up, standing in the kitchen for another few moments before sighing and coming back over to Jimin.

"Professional curtesy," you lie, Jimin looking up at that. "He said to consider it a 'professional curtesy' that he called. Apparently Mr. Jung is looking for me, and apparently he's going to try and handle me personally." Jimin looks scared for a split moment, then, he shakes his head.

He stands, walking over and entwining his hands with yours. "We're going to figure this out, I promise," he whispers, "I'm not letting you go. We'll kill Mr. Jung and Mr. Jeon if we have to." You nod, allowing him to bring you into a hug. You squeeze him, deep down really, really relived that Yoongi's alive. For some reason you're attached to him. You wish you knew why. Or... maybe it's because he's like the friend you never had. Jimin's your only friend, but even then he's a very special friend. It's nice to have someone else who's not a lover.

The two of you quietly hug for a few moments, then, you pull back and meet his eyes. "We have to leave soon, right?" He nods. "Then why don't we have some fun?" He instantly picks up on what you're saying and licks his lower lip, giving you a smirk. "But I think it should be my turn..." 

"You think you can handle it?" 

You smirk. "Come find out."

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