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The park is such a beautiful place.

Jungkook stares up at the sun, amazed that he was able to convince himself to get out of bed this early. Normally he's a night owl, but he's been going to all of his and Tae's favorite places to relive his memories. Get them out of his head. It seems to be working for the most part, and the park was always the place Tae loved.

Pictures, pictures, pictures. That's something Tae would talk about all the time. Going to the park and bringing his cute camera to snap pictures of all the nature. Jungkook can't say he blames him, the park is very peaceful. The water not too far away keeps his mind occupied. Everything is just... perfect.

He closes his eyes, letting his skin bake in the sun's rays. It's a beautiful day despite his mood. He's a little somber, but that's to be expected when reliving memories of someone once loved. Still loved, really. Love never dies, even when the person loved passes. Jungkook firmly believes that. Or at least, he wants to firmly believe that.

Jungkook decides to sigh, opening his eyes to look down at the stream. Maybe it's time for a location change, walk down the path a little more and see what's there to see. That's exactly what he does. He walks, hands in his pockets, the wind gently brushing through his hair.

However Jungkook ends up quickly stopping and looking at the two people standing not too far away. He narrows his eyes, feeling like he recognizes them. Out of instinct he goes over to the trees, inching closer and hiding in plain sight. Soon enough he's close, hearing the familiar voices and laughter. His jaw drops.

Jimin and Y/n.

His anger nearly pops a vein in his neck, but he manages to keep calm enough to stay hidden and just observe everything happening in front of him. They're standing close to each other, parting from a kiss. They look so deeply entranced by each other. Jungkook can't tell if it makes him sick or makes him hurt with longing.

Jimin whispers something to her, but Jungkook's too far to make that out. He brings something out of his pocket, a black box. Jungkook's jaw drops as the two stare before he opens it, her eyes widening at the sight. "May I?" Jungkook just barely hears Jimin say.

She nods immediately, holding out her hand for him. He slips the ring onto her finger, Jungkook watching the whole process with tears in his eyes. There's a few beats of quiet, then, she speaks. "Wait I didn't just agree to marry you, did I?" Jimin laughs at her words. 

"No baby, no. But it's the step before that. I read online that they're called uh..." 

"Promise rings," she finishes, "you got me a promise ring?"

Promise rings... he got Taehyung one of those. A little over eight months into their relationship he got Tae one. It was beautiful, sparkling silver with both their initials on it. Jungkook thought he overdid it, but Taehyung assured him that he didn't. Seeing this... how it almost feels like a proposal? It's breaking Jungkook. He'll never admit it out loud, but it is.

"Fuck it. Yeah, I did. I don't know how the hell these things work, but I do know one thing. They mean that I want to marry you. I want you to be by my side forever." There's a pause for them to lock eyes, staring at each other passionately. Even from here Jungkook can see their love for each other. "I love you, and I promise to be by your side as long as I can."

She chuckles, "Min, I don't know what to say..." 

"Hey, hey. What's wrong baby girl?" 

"That's just it, absolutely nothing. Absolutely nothing is wrong. You're being so good to me and I just... I don't know how to thank you." 


Jungkook winces as they kiss, averting his eyes. He even closes them, sighing at the thought of how his life could have gone. It could have gone like this, but no. Mr. Min got in the way. This whole damn world got in the way.

"I love you, Park Jimin," she whispers, "I don't know what I'd do if I lost you. I love you, so so much. I.... I don't know I just..." 

"Shh, it's okay baby girl," he says, bringing her into a hug. Jungkook snaps his eyes back to them, breathing halting while listening to their words. No, no this sounds way too similar to everything him and Tae... fuck!

Jungkook grits his teeth, refusing to cry. No, no more crying. He can't. That's enough crying over this! He needs to step up his game. Jungkook tells himself to grab his knife, kill Jimin right now, right in front of her. His brain screams at him to move, but his legs don't budge.

"You won't lose me, okay? You won't. I promise that too. I have no fucking idea where I'd be without you, so please don't leave me either," he says. 

She chuckles, pulling back to look at her boyfriend. "Min?" 


"I'm not going anywhere." Without another word they entwine hands, giving each other a grateful look.

They walk away, strolling down the path while the river shines in the sunlight. Jungkook plops down, landing on the ground. He doesn't care if anyone sees him and thinks he's weird... he just cares about the thoughts storming through his mind. Why... Jimin and Y/n's relationship... why is it so similar to his own? Jungkook isn't sure what's worse, the fact that he didn't kill Jimin when he had the chance, or the fact that he thinks he did the right thing by standing down...

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