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You sit on the bed, looking at your ruined carpets. All the footprints make you frown. The room is covered with dirt, everything thrown all over the place. What's worse: the fact that you have to tell Jimin the truth now, or that Yoongi's gone. Both hurt really, really badly. Losing Yoongi hits like a gut punch every time you think about it... and now, you might lose Jimin.

"Come here baby, let me check your wound," he says. You sigh, obeying. He takes off your shirt, looking at the bandage he placed over it. "We have to leave tonight, but I have a hideout for us. Maybe once Mr. Jeon and Mr. Jung are gone we can come back," he mutters, pulling back the bandage. "You look good, it's not too ugly. Then again, there's not a single thing about you that's ugly so that makes sense." Cheeky bastard... but he's wrong. You lying for so long is ugly. Hiding the truth from him is the ugliest thing ever. He deserves to know. You watch as he reattaches the bandage to your shoulder, motioning for you to lie down on top of him.

You do, his hand falling to your hair to stroke it gently. It's quiet for a few minutes while you try to come up with words to say. He can sense your distress, replying to it by tilting your chin up. "Hey, we can talk about what happened in a minute, but I have something I need to say first," he says.

Although hesitant, you firmly nod. Before he speaks, he places his lips on yours. You smile, tearing up at the possibility that this could be your last kiss with him. You come closer, desperate to get more. He's shocked by your closeness but doesn't complain, instead he snakes his arms around your back and lowers you completely onto his chest.

When he pulls back, he flutters his eyes open and looks at you. Everything feels so perfect, even if it's just for a moment. All because of those beautiful eyes. He tears up, "I can't hide it anymore. These months with you have been so perfect. I'm so sorry." 

You raise a brow. "Hide what?" 

"I've been keeping a secret from you. I'm sorry." 

"It's okay Min, what is it?" 

He kisses your forehead, sniffling. "I love you." You stare in surprise, the man breaking down. "I'm sorry. I know you don't like love, I'm so sorry. I told myself not to fall for you, but I couldn't resist you. Your charms, your brain, your smile... you. I love you so much. More than anything on this damn planet. I love you. I'll scream it if you want me to. I love you."

He cries, you shaking your head and placing your lips on his again. This shuts him up, him kissing back albeit confused. After a moment, you pull away. "Don't be so stupid Jimin, that's supposed to be my thing." He softly smiles, you returning it. "You do realize that the whole reason Mr. Jeon had you there was because I love you, right?" His eyes widen. "So... yeah, I may have never liked love, but then you showed up. I genuinely love you Min. You're the only one I'll ever love. Ever. But I have a secret too."

You pull completely away, tears strolling down your face as you sit on your knees. "Hey, baby girl, it's okay. Whatever this secret is, it's okay. I'll be okay. We'll be okay." 

You shake your head. "No Min. I don't think we will." 

He looks worried at your words, then sets his jaw. "No. We'll be fine. As long as I love you and you love me, we'll be okay." 

That makes you feel slightly better. Alright, off like a bandaid. You look down. "I never worked for Mr. Jeon. I worked for Mr. Min."


You clutch the bedsheets. "Before I tell you this, please just remember that I'm being serious. I love you." 

"Baby girl, you're scaring me. What is it?" 

You clench your jaw, deciding to just tell him. "Us meeting wasn't coincidence. I wore what I wore that night to draw you in." He lights up with understanding, sinking back in the pillows. "I was sent to take your maps, weapons, assets, everything. I was sent to kill you." Jimin just stares at you, not speaking at first. You look at the bedsheets, "I wasn't sure how to tell you. I'm so, so sorry." 

"When did you fall for me?" he asks, ignoring your previous words.

"When? It's hard to say when, but I think it started when you took me out to dinner," you reply, "I was always attracted to you physically, but that's what made me see you as much, much more than a target." 

"So, when you said yes to being my girlfriend..." 

"That was genuine. Everything we've done, the fucking, the dates, the cuddles: that was all real to me. All of it. I cared about you so much I convinced Mr. Min to give me months to complete my mission, so I'd have time to figure out how to get you out of it."

He absorbs your words, letting out a shaky breath before standing. You give him the space he needs to process that as he starts packing a small bag. To your surprise (and delight), he's putting both your stuff and his in it. "We need to leave," he mutters, packing up as quickly as possible. You frown, coming over to help him quietly. You won't press, you'll let him tell you later. For now, it seems like you have a long night ahead...

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