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For the first time in a long time, Y/n and Jimin are out during the afternoon.

Normally they go out at night, but they wanted a change of pace. Jimin has something for her, so he's hoping that by going out during the afternoon, it can add to how special the day is. He has something very important for her. Very, very important. So, why not make the day a little different? Mix things up?

She's giggling like a twelve year old, throwing stones into the river. Some skip two, three times. Others don't skip at all. "Okay babe, let me show you how it's done," Jimin says, walking over and kneeling. He picks a big rock up, narrowing his eyes at the water while she watches closely.

After a few seconds of waiting, he tosses the thing, the rock skipping once before sinking. "Wow, I'm so impressed," she says with a yawn. 

"Okay listen. That was... practice!" 

"Practice," she repeats slowly, making a 'hmm' sound. She approaches him, placing her hands on his shoulders. "Practice... you know what else I think you need practice in?" Please say sex. Please say sex. Please say sex. Please say se- "Sex." 

Fuck yeah!

"We can practice that when we're not in public," he says, kissing her nose. 

"Well, why don't we go over there," she says, pointing to the trees behind them. "Plenty of privacy there."

He chuckles, his hands grabbing at her waist. "Horny already, baby girl? Here I thought I was taking you on a cute date."

She pouts, shaking her head. "I figured it was just apart of my personality. What, I can't be cute and make sex jokes at the same time?" she asks. Gosh, she's adorable. 

"I can't really stop you," he replies with a shrug. 

"Obviously," she says with a  giggle. He smiles like an idiot, something he's known for doing around her.

"You know, there's a reason why I brought you out here today." 

"To take me on a date. No shit Sherlock," she replies. 

"That smartass setting never once dialed down," he mumbles, laughing ever so slightly. 

"Joking, tell me." Ah, this girl. What is he gonna do with her?

"I bought you something. Something special," he says. 

"Special? As special as me?" 

"Nothing's quite as special as you, honey." 

"I can't tell if I should take that as a compliment or an insult." 

"Both," he says with a sigh. 

"Yeah, probably both," she mutters, shaking her head.

"Back to the main topic," he says, her humming and smiling. He smiles back, bringing his face closer to hers. "I got you something very, very special," he says, his voice low as he keeps coming closer to her. 

"Is it a kiss? Cause that's what it looks like you're about to-"

He shuts her up by pressing his lips on hers, softly moaning into the sweet kiss. She kisses back with the same attitude, staying light and sweet. They part after only a few seconds, Jimin keeping his eyes closed a little bit longer. "It's not a kiss, but I have no problem giving you as many of those as you'd like," he whispers, fluttering his eyes open to meet hers.

She stays quiet as he reaches into his pocket, bringing out a black box. He holds it with his right hand, bringing it up into both of their view. "Like I said: it's special," he says before using his other hand to open the box. She looks at him for another moment before moving on to the present, eyes widening as soon as she sees what it is.

"Woah, Jimin..." she mutters as he takes it out. 

"May I?" he asks, and she nods rapidly, holding out her left hand. He slips the ring onto her finger, letting out a breath as soon as he sees it fit. She softly smiles, looking at the sparkling diamond in the center.

"Wait, I didn't just agree to marry you, did I?" she asks, causing him to laugh. 

"No baby, no. But it's the step before that. I read online that they're called uh..." 

"Promise rings," she finishes, "you got me a promise ring?" 

He sucks in a breath. Stick to your guns Jimin, come on, don't get nervous. "Fuck it. Yeah, I did. I don't know how the hell these things work, but I do know one thing. They mean that I want to marry you. I want you to be by my side forever." She meets his intense, loving gaze and matches it. "I love you, and I promise to be by your side as long as I can."

She chuckles, "Min, I don't know what to say..." 

To his surprise, she has tears in her eyes. "Hey, hey. What's wrong baby girl?" 

"That's just it, absolutely nothing. Absolutely nothing is wrong. You're being so good to me and I just... I don't know how to thank you." 


Right away, she obeys. Their lips press together, her left hand going up to his cheek. He feels the metal hit his skin, making him tremble. The kiss is just as sweet as before, her lips almost saying 'thank you'. He can't help but feel his heart swell at her actions.

When she pulls back, she gives him a serious look. "I love you, Park Jimin," she whispers, staying as close to him as humanly possible, "I don't know what I'd do if I lost you. I love you, so so much. I.... I don't know, I just..." 

"Shh, it's okay baby girl," he replies, bringing her into a hug. They stay quiet, her in his embrace. He can't help but close his eyes, breathing in her sweet scent. "You won't lose me, okay? You won't. I promise that too. I have no fucking idea where I'd be without you, so please don't leave me either." 

She chuckles, pulling back with tears in her eyes. "Min?" 


"I'm not going anywhere."

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