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Jimin sets the bag down, watching the girl pace back and forth in the center of the kitchen. Hearing that she was the one sent for him? It boggles his mind. Everything felt so real. According to her, most of it was, but this isn't an easy discovery to make. Staring at her beautiful form, he can't help but want to walk up to her and hug her, calm her nerves. But he needs time.

She's biting her nails, tears in her eyes. He can't help but feel bad. Does she really care this much? Enough to be breaking down crying over it? She seemed so worried it'd ruin their relationship. Will it? No, he wouldn't let it. But it'll certainly change things. Or will it? Ugh, Jimin's tired of these mind games.

He grabs a spare key to his hideout, a small apartment near the outskirts of the city, and walks over to her. She stops as he approaches, him holding the key out to her. She takes it, giving him a soft look. "I'm not... breaking up with you," he whispers, her looking relieved. "But I think you should go."

Her eyes show her heartbreaking, but she nods and bites back her tears. He kisses her forehead, petting her hair. "Text me that you're safe, please. I just need some alone time to think. This place has a couple pistols lying around, take as many as you need," he says.

After the events of Mr. Jeon, he doesn't want her to go out alone. But he needs space, and he knows she's good at what she does. She'll be fine. Right? Great, now he's worried. "Text me every hour, okay?" he asks as she takes a pistol out of his stash. 

"Sure," she replies, sticking it into her waistband.

He frowns, his heart breaking watching her hold back her true emotions. She's trying so hard to be strong for him. "Hey, wait," he says as she walks to the door. She stops a few feet away, hesitating before turning to meet his eyes. "I love you," he whispers, knowing that he'll never get enough of saying it. 

She softly smiles. "I love you too."

Without another word, she departs, leaving him alone with his thoughts. This is what he wanted, right? Alone time to think. He pouts, thinking about everything. How does he feel? He honestly can't say. Jimin lets a loud sigh pass his lips. God dammit, why can't this just be easy?


You keep your hands in your pocket, hating the feeling of being followed. The pain of losing Yoongi hits in full now, your tears gently trailing down your face as you think about his smile. How did you not notice before that he loved you? He sacrificed himself for you because he loved you. How could you ever repay that?

Part of you wishes you were stronger in that room, the other part wishes you weren't even in this world at all. You know that thought is fucked up, after all it doesn't change the fact that this world is the only one for you. There's no where else you can go. There's no going back after all.

There's eyes boring into the back of your head, you can feel them. You've been an assassin and spy long enough to know what that feels like. You grit your teeth, keeping a hand on the tactical knife in your pocket. If needed you can whip it out and draw it in only a matter of seconds. But hopefully it doesn't come to that.

Out of instinct you walk down an alley, the darkness cloaking you as you go deeper inside it. The last thing you need right now is to get ambushed. So an alley is your best bet. You can hear and see them coming better. Wait, maybe they're on the rooftops. That's the best bet.

"I'm not here to harm you," a loud, commanding male voice says. 

"How did you find me?" you ask, stopping in your tracks. 

"You think I don't know where all of Mr. Park's hideouts are? We've been working together for years." You go still. No way... Mr. Kim? No fucking way. You turn, surprised to see three men there, with the one standing in front being the tallest. Clearly Mr. Kim, but you can't see his face. He's hiding behind a hat and sunglasses not to mention how dark the alley already is. "I don't want to hurt you. In fact quite the opposite. I just wanted to see if you were alive."

You slowly nod. "I am. Thanks for checking in." You don't move, you know you have to be dismissed in order to leave. He's the highest power in New York, that's just common curtesy. 

"Is Jimin...?" 

"He's alive. He found out about my mission to kill him, so he's a little upset right now, but he's alive."

Mr. Kim takes it in, humming ever so slightly. "I want us to be allies, Miss L/n." 

"Why?" you ask. 

"Because pretty soon you'll have none left. I know what you and Jimin have isn't just lust. Everyone knows that, that's why Mr. Min fought for you. I'm sorry Jimin found out, but you and I both know he won't let you go." Well, he's not wrong. Jimin said himself he's not breaking up with you and he still loves you. "I don't care about you, I'll be upfront about that, I just want us to help each other." 

"How could I help you?" you ask.

"You have the best skillset in the entire area. You've managed to survive dozens of assassination attempts from the best assassins in New York. I could use that."

You sigh. Of course he could. "Okay, tell me what I have to do." 

Even in the darkness, you can see his wicked smile. "Nothing. We'll be in touch, Miss L/n." Your eyes widen, but he doesn't give you a chance to reply. 

Without another word, he walks away...

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