𝓜𝓻. 𝓙𝓾𝓷𝓰

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A/N: My bias wrecker has arrived

Surprisingly, this past month has gone pretty well.

After the incident in the penthouse, you and Jimin bought a new place. Paid double to skip all the paperwork and just move right in, but it's not like money is an issue for either of you. You've been fighting assassins more and more each day, but what's new?

Right now you're in his embrace, softly humming while the TV plays. It's a big house, a mansion really. Six bed, four bath. Personal cinema, two studies (one of which you and him converted to your favorite room), backyard with a pool and hot tub. Absolutely perfect.

"F-Fuck... baby," he says in a moan, you giggling. You pump your hand up and down him, kissing his neck gently, going back to humming. He tilts his head back, focusing on moaning while you work. But of course, your phone starts ringing. He pants. "Baby please, ignore it I'm so close." 

"Well then let's make you cum really quick so I can answer," you reply, going down with your mouth.

His moans get louder, on instinct he bucks his hips up into your mouth, his hard cock twitching inside you. Soon enough he releases, moaning loudly while you lap up every last drop. You smile, pulling back once he's done. Your phone stops ringing, meaning you have to call whoever called you back. Oh who are you kidding, it was definitely Yoongi. He'll understand, you can just say you thought you were being hunted and had to silence your phone. Easy. You're an excellent liar.

Jimin keeps panting. "G-Go answer it now baby girl." You hum, pecking his lips just as the phone rings again. Huh, that's a little strange. Granted, you've never not answered your phone before out of fear, but you thought that they'd only call once then wait for you to call back. Weird.

Regardless you walk over, picking up your phone and seeing it is in fact a call from your boss. You shrug, bringing it to your ear. "Yes boss?" you ask, placing one hand on your hip. 

"You have thirty minutes," a voice that isn't Yoongi's says. You go still. "Alone. You come alone to Mr. Min's favorite place. If you aren't here in half an hour, he's gone." 

"No," you mutter, "I won't let you hurt him." 

"Then you better come alone, don't bring that little boyfriend of yours."

You grit your teeth. "You're going to regret this." 

"Unarmed too." 

"Fuck you." 

"Those are my conditions, if you aren't here, I'll kill both Yoongi and you, maybe your precious boyfriend too." There's a beat of quiet. "I'm looking forward to formally meeting you, Y/n L/n." And just like that, he hangs up.

"Baby? What was that?" Jimin asks. 

You toss your phone in your pocket as he pulls up his boxers and pants, sensing this is a serious situation. "They have him, they have my boss and if I don't go there and rescue him, they'll kill me. You too," you say before running to the back of the house.

Jimin follows you up to your shared bedroom, you taking your pistol and loading it. "We have to go to his favorite place. If I remember correctly, his favorite place is the torture warehouse, but it might've changed last time when the whole Mr. Jung Mr. Jeon situation happened." You click the magazine inside, placing it in the waistband of your pants. "He said unarmed, but I have to go in armed or it's a death sentence." 

"Screw your boss, let them come after us. We can handle them." 

"Jimin, we can't," you say, "he'll send every last man he has after us. I don't doubt our abilities, but this is too much. I have to do this. Please stay safe. Is your pistol still in here?"

He groans. "Ugh, I hate guns." 


"It is, it is. Stay safe baby, I want a phone call as soon as you're out and directions to the warehouse. Text me them, I want to be able to storm the place with my allies if I don't hear from you in half an hour." 

You nod. "Got it, stay here, lock all the doors, keep your pistol next to you at all times you hear me?"

He pecks your lips. "I will, okay? I'll be alright."

You hug him, sniffling against his chest. "Please stay alive. They threatened your life I just... I can't live without you, please." 

"Hey, hey, calm down baby girl, it's all gonna be okay. I'm not worried, you're the strongest woman I know. If anyone can make it through this, it's you. And don't worry, I'll be here the whole time." You pull back, nodding while trying not to cry. Fuck, why are you getting so emotional over this? "Now go baby, you need to get there fast." You agree, kissing his lips one last time. "Good luck," he mutters as you move away. 

"Stay alive," you whisper, turning on your heel and walking away.


"I came alone and unarmed, just as you asked," you call out, knocking on the warehouse door. You groan, hating that it's locked. Guess you'll just have to find another way in. You're about to move to find one when a laugh distracts you. You jump, turning to face where the sound came from.

"Glock 19... is that a gen 3? 9mm rounds, capacity of 15?" he replies, standing about twenty feet away. You go still, your hand going to the butt of your gun. "Don't bother, I'm wearing a vest and have my own pistol, sweetheart. I know you're very capable, but I have guards watching us as we speak. If you can even manage to hit the headshot from here, you'd be gunned down before you can even move a step."

"How did you know?" 

"How? That's just the thing, my dear. I didn't. We beat it out of your little boss. He told us the type of gun you carry. Figured it was a shot in the dark, but looks like it paid off." He pauses, chuckling. "Now unload it and toss it on the ground." You obey, slowly taking it out, unloading, and tossing the magazine and the gun away from one another.

He takes a few steps closer, stopping at about ten feet away. "Who the hell are you?" you ask. He sighs, taking off the ski mask covering his face and tossing it right next to your weapon. You meet his dark eyes, his hair black and messy, his skin tan and smooth, illuminated by the pale moonlight. 

"My name is Jung Hoseok. I've been looking for you..."

𝓟𝓼𝔂𝓬𝓱𝓸 (Psycho) || •PJM• ✔️Where stories live. Discover now