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"Does this feel familiar?"

Jimin doesn't bother looking up, he just stares at the ground. The faint 'drip' of water is heard, the substance falling off from a pipe overhead, landing right next to him. He's tied to another pipe that runs through the ground, his eyes covered with mucus. Jimin hasn't slept in over a day. It's been two days since he's been captured, but only Mr. Jung comes to talk to him.

Speaking of Mr. Jung, he's standing right behind Jimin, staring at him. "Well? Does it? Remember when we had you and your little girlfriend captured?" Jimin's tongue is dry to say the least. "Nothing to say?" 

"You don't fucking scare me," Jimin says, finally turning to look at Mr. Jung. "My girl is safe. She's out there, living her life. I don't care what you do to me. Torture me, go ahead, make me scream. Cut off my limbs, my dick, take out my eyes. Do whatever you need to do to get that satisfaction you're so desperate to get." Jimin shakes his head, "I don't give a fuck. She's the only thing that matters."

Mr. Jung takes a few steps forward, kneeling in front of him. "You've only known her a few months. Why are you so attached already?" 

"My whole life I've been alone, but she makes me feel something no one has ever made me feel before. I never believed in those stupid, cliché fairytale love stories until I met her. But you wouldn't understand," Jimin says.

"I wouldn't?" Mr. Jung asks. 

"I doubt it. Y/n is my love. My girlfriend. Everything I've ever wanted. Would you really understand that?" 

Mr. Jung softly chuckles, "Maybe, maybe not, but I know someone who definitely can." As soon as he stands, the door opens, another figure walking inside.

As soon as Jimin sees who it is, defiance sparks in his chest, him banging his hands against the pipes to try and break free. "You fucking bitch!" Jimin yells, Mr. Jung backing up and leaving the room as fast as possible. Mr. Jeon takes his place. 

"Good afternoon Mr. Park."

Jimin stays quiet, seething. He must look like a mad man right now. He's malnourished, arms weak, lips chapped (practically bleeding), eyes red. Regardless he's still fighting. "How are you holding up?" Mr. Jeon asks. 

"I've eaten half a meal in two days, had less than a glass of water, my girlfriend is being hunted while I'm here unable to help her, and I haven't moved since I got taken. But other than that I'm fucking wonderful, how bout you?" Mr. Jeon clenches his jaw but doesn't reply. "It's rude not to answer your guest, Mr. Jeon." If he's gonna die anyway, might as well just be a defiant bitch, right? Mr. Jeon keeps his glare on Jimin, refusing to speak. Jimin scoffs. "Pussy. Too scared to come capture me yourself so you send your goons to do it. Too scared to get Y/n yourself. Too scared to-" Mr. Jeon punches Jimin, cutting him off mid-sentence.

Jimin spits out blood, coughing. Then... he starts laughing. "Fucking pussy, can't even take the truth, can you?" Jimin turns to Mr. Jeon, laughing like a maniac. "You can't even take the fucking truth!" Mr. Jeon just listens as Jimin laughs, nearly falling over from the force of it.

He doesn't even notice Mr. Jeon walk to the corner of the room, picking up a pipe since there's so many scattered around. He walks back over, holding it by his side while Jimin dials down from his laughter. He notices the pipe and chuckles. "So that's how you're gonna let out your anger, huh? Beating me to a pulp? Jokes on you buckaroo, I like pain. I'm a masochist and sadist-"


Jimin chokes on his own spit, seeing stars for a few moments. He groans, coughing before looking back over at the man. "Satisfied?" Jimin asks. 

"Not even close," Mr. Jeon whispers. 

"Oh, look at that! He speaks!" Mr. Jeon holds up the weapon again, about to strike when Jimin decides to stop him. "Don't even act like you wouldn't be doing the same thing!"

This causes him to go still, staring at Jimin with wide eyes. "Wh... What?" Mr. Jeon mutters, keeping his eyes only on Jimin. 

"If the situation were reversed... if I was hunting Taehyung for killing Y/n and I had you... don't act like you wouldn't be the same way. Taunting, a bitch, snarky, arrogant: you'd do anything to keep him safe. I'm no idiot, you're doing all this to get revenge. I can only imagine what you'd do to keep him safe."

Tears well up in Mr. Jeon's eyes as he keeps the pipe raised, his knuckles turning white. "Go ahead. Do it if it makes you feel better. Beat the man who's just trying to keep his lover safe," Jimin says much softer, losing his energy to fight. "Beat me. I don't care anymore." Jimin shakes his head, "I know that if I were in your shoes, I'd do the same thing. I understand-" 

"No you don't!" Mr. Jeon interrupts, his lower lip quivering. Jimin stares, hiding his surprise as a heavy silence falls over them. Mr. Jeon's hands start to shake. "You have no idea what it's fucking like to lose the one you love most." 

Jimin sighs. "With all due respect, my love is gone. She's away from me, and I doubt I'll see her again. I don't know if she's alive or dead, and I know I won't get an answer. I'll be dead long before that. I'll never see her again." He lets his own tears fall, shaking his head as he stares at Jungkook. "Just get it over with..."

He closes his eyes, bracing himself for another hit. There's a few beats of quiet, then, the pipe clatters to the ground. Jimin's eyes snap open in time to see Mr. Jeon leaving the room without a word, the pipe right next to Jimin. He lets out a breath. What the hell just happened?


"Jokes on you buckaroo, I like pain" - Park Jimin, Psycho, 2021

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