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You smile, watching Jimin hum to himself while doing the dishes. After fucking, the two of you decided to just do some chores. Surprisingly you only went one round, but you also haven't been awake very long. To most people, that would symbolize that it's morning. For you and Jimin, it's night. The two of you always sleep during the day and wake up at night. It's how all assassins work.

Jimin puts the last dish on the rack, turning to face you. Everything is just perfect. Everything. Your three dogs are wandering around the kitchen, licking their snouts and giving you happy looks. Looks like you and Jimin are the dog people of the neighborhood. Not like anyone's around, it's pretty much just you on a hill, but still.

"You fed them, right babe?" you ask Jimin, who hums. 

"Lots of the good stuff. Hopefully-" He cuts himself off, going quiet for a moment. 

"Baby?" you ask, he holds his hand up. 

"Do you hear that?" You stay quiet, listening closely. That's when you hear it - soft footsteps...

They're coming from above you.

"We need to leave," Jimin mutters, "if they're on the roof that means they got past security and they didn't check in. Must be the real deal, come on, let me lock down the weapons room." 

"Lock down?" you ask. 

"Yeah, I have a failsafe in there. I can close it down so it looks like just an empty room. It'll hide all the weapons so they can't take them," he whispers, running out of the kitchen.

You force down your nervousness to instead run after him, your dogs following. Soon enough you're outside the weapons room, Jimin handing you a pistol and an extra mag just in case. "I'm gonna get my leather jacket, meet me near the emergency escape," you say. The emergency escape, aka literally a tunnel to the outside. 

"Wait... kiss," he says, pointing to his lips. Leave it to Jimin to care more about a kiss than staying alive. Ah, this boy. Regardless, you peck his lips, softly smiling. "Stay safe, I'll be there in a minute," he whispers. You hum before taking off, going up the stairs and quickly grabbing your classic jacket from out of the closet.

It's stupid, but it's been with you since you joined this world. It's like a superstition that you always need it when anything related to the mafia pops up. This entire 'footsteps on the roof' thing stenches of Mr. Jeon, so you just throw your jacket on as quickly as possible and run to the back of the house.

You find the entrance to the tunnel, listening closely to make sure no one's inside. Footsteps ring out from behind you, but you know that's just Jimin and the dogs. You turn in time to see him stop in front of you, his lips landing on yours. Your eyes almost burst out of your head as he kisses you, breathing heavily out of his nose.

He pulls back, "I'm so glad you're okay." 

"We were separated for twenty seconds," you say. 

"Doesn't change the fact that I missed you." 

"We have people breaking into our house and you're more worried about being romantic?" 

Jimin pouts. "Is that a bad thing?" 

"Oh my- just come on!" you whisper-yell, pulling him through the door. "Ryland, Gunner, Major, come!" you call, the dogs coming with you. Soon enough the door is closed. Just in time too, seeing as you hear a loud 'crack' from not too far away. Jimin grabs your hand, bringing your eyes to meet his. 

"Let's get to safety, baby," he whispers. 

You couldn't agree more.


Jimin sighs, throwing the ball again. Major runs after it like a crackhead, nearly falling over from trying to catch it. They managed to get to one of his bigger hideouts, this one having a backyard. A beer is placed in front of Jimin while he's sitting in front of a table, his girlfriend humming to herself as she gets the hot tub ready.

Seeing as they've been dating for who knows how long now, they're both naked. Why would they need swim suits? Not like he has some lying around here anyway. "It's ready babe, let him bring the ball to us. Oh and can you bring me my beer?" she asks. He nods, standing and grabbing her halfway full bottle along with his own.

He comes over as she gets in, sighing as soon as the hot water hits her sore body. Major is jumping around with the ball in his mouth, almost as if smiling at them. Jimin chuckles, getting in after her as the dog steps up the two stairs present to help get in the hot tub.

Major drops the ball right in the water, Y/n and him going quiet for a moment. Then, they burst out laughing. Y/n paddles over, taking the ball and chucking it down the grass. He chases after it. Ryland and Gunner are lying in the grass, watching their brother be a crackhead.

"Be honest - you got the dogs so you can pet them and play ball with them, didn't you?" she asks with an amused smile, taking her beer out of his hand. 

He smirks as she wraps her free hand around his neck, coming closer to him. "Maybe, but it's nice to have guard dogs, hm?"

She laughs, taking a sip before placing the bottle on the side of the tub. Before he can react, she grabs his bottle and does the same. "Whatcha doing baby girl?" he whispers, keeping his cocky smile on his face. She chuckles, pressing her nose against his.

"We're naked in a hot tub with changing led lights and bubbles." 

"So?" he asks, licking his lower lip. 

"We just escaped Mr. Jeon... again... don't you think this calls for celebration?"

"Oh? What do you propose? Use your words baby girl," he asks in a teasing manner. 

"Fuck me harder than you've ever fucked me before," she says, trying to press her lips on his.

He interrupts by picking her up, putting her on the opposite ledge, far away from their beers. Jimin pants, placing one hand on her cheek while standing up in the tub. Their lips crash together as he sloppily enters her, his free hand falling to her ass to squeeze it. They make out as he thrusts, his balls slapping against her skin. When they part, her head falls to his shoulder as he moans, grunting from the effort. "Ah, fuck baby," he lets out. It's safe to say they celebrated all night long...

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