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Jimin's being followed.

He gulps, now hating the night sky. It's been three days since Y/n left his side, him traveling alone back to the power plant to hopefully get a car ride back to the main city. So what now? He can feel the eyes burning into the back of his head. Where does he go from here?

Jimin's already holding his shotgun in front of him, the safety clicked off while his dogs surround him. His soft breathing is the only sound around him as he slowly traverses. Being in the open is bothering him, but not being with Y/n is bothering him even more. Fuck this... fuck all of this.

"Where's the girl?" a male voice rings out. Jimin jumps, whipping around but finding nothing. Jimin keeps his mouth shut, breathing heavily from his nose. "Well? Where's Miss L/n?" 

"Gone!" Jimin yells, "she's safe! You'll never hurt her! I won't fucking let you!"

There's a loud laugh. "You're surrounded Jimin, give up." 

"Fuck you!" he says, "come try it. Come try to kill me. I fucking dare you." His words are followed by silence. No twigs cracking, no wind, not even crickets. Just dead silence.

After a full minute of it, Jimin faintly hears a footstep. He whips around and shoots, his dogs barking at the loud noise. Instantly there's a loud yell. So Jimin hit his mark, huh? "Markus!" a male voice yells. 

"Yeah, go check on 'Markus', go see if he's still breathing. Something none of you will be doing when I'm done with you!"

There's another footstep, this one behind him. Before he can turn, Ryland, Gunner, and Major go right at the figure, tackling him to the ground, screams following. That action causes chaos to break out. Gunfire sounds off all around the area, a fire being started in the trees while Jimin runs away.

"Gunner! Major! Ryland on me!" Jimin says. A soft tap of paws follow him as he sprints away from the action, heaving. 

"We don't want to kill you Jimin! We just want to talk!" the same male voice from before yells. 

"Go fuck yourself!" Jimin yells back, keeping his pace.

His dogs keep up with him, snarling and hissing as they run. Jimin can't help but feel proud as he races through the trees, unsure of how long he'll have to keep running. There's some footsteps behind him that aren't his dogs, so he turns and blindly fires. There's a few groans, signaling that he downed a few.

Jimin grits his teeth before jumping behind a tree, his dogs smart enough to follow suit. He pants, catching his breath as gunshots whiz by his ears. Great, this is just great. He's cloaked in darkness, the smell of smoke filling the air from the fire they lit to the trees. This whole place will be toast soon, he needs to leave and he needs to leave now.

"Lower your weapon, we just want the girl!" 

Jimin almost cries at the thought, "I'd rather die than let you touch her!" There's a few moments of silence, then a twig breaks in front of him. He shoots the tree not too far away, but nothing comes from it. He lets out a breath, noticing that there's no more gunshots around him. It's almost like a dark presence is in front of him.

"On me guys," Jimin whispers to his dogs, who are snarling while baring their vicious, blood stained teeth. He cautiously steps forward, being careful not to step out of the tree either. Before he even knows what's happening, men are jumping out of him from all directions. Jimin gasps as he feels himself being taken to the ground, his shotgun being knocked away from him.

Gunner and Major are tackled too, a man stepping out from behind the tree Jimin shot. "Sedate them," he says. Instantly, needles get inserted inside his dogs, Jimin crying out for them. Ryland hisses and growls, going right for the man who's walking towards Jimin.

He watches in distress, squirming but it's no use, his face is pressed against the ground, his hands being held tightly behind his back. "Please!" he says. However, the gunshot comes anyway. "NO!" Jimin screams, writhing around while seething. The man just steps over Ryland's body, holstering his pistol.

"I'll fucking kill you!" Jimin shouts, practically eating dirt at this point. 

The man kneels, locking eyes with Jimin. "Do you remember me?" Jimin narrows his eyes, trying to recognize that face. 

"Mr... Mr. Jung?" Jimin whisper-asks, his strength starting to dwindle away.

"Your brain isn't too damaged yet. Good," he whispers, keeping his glare right on Jimin. "Now tell me... where the fuck is Y/n?" 

"Fuck you!" Jimin yells, "you killed my dog! I'm gonna fucking end you! I'll tear you apart limb by limb, motherfucker!" Mr. Jung shakes his head, making a 'tsk' sound with his tongue.

"Tell me and maybe we'll spare you." 

Jimin tears up, heaving. "No... no please, anyone but her, please!" Mr. Jung looks mildly surprised by his tears. "Leave her alone, let her go! Take me! Kill me! Just not her, please, I'm begging you. Take anything you want, my money, my weapons, my resources, anything just... fuck! Not her! Leave Y/n alone!" he cries, sobbing shamelessly.

"Leave her alone. Please. Leave her alone... leave her alone..." he repeats over and over, Mr. Jung just staring at his broken self. "I love her. Please..." he weakly whispers, squeezing his eyes shut. 

"And that's exactly why you're going to tell us where she is. Let's discuss this like civil men, shall we?" Mr. Jung says. 

"Fuck... you..." Jimin chokes out, pulling on the hands that hold him down.

Mr. Jung chuckles. "A fighter, even at the end. I respect it, Mr. Park. Tell us... now." 

"I don't fucking know. Don't you get it?!" Jimin asks, "you think I'm alone, walking back to the power plant I assume you came from for no fucking reason?! How stupid are you?" He just blinks, not replying. "The whole point of this is so that I don't know where the fuck she is. I'm... I'm away from my girl. My love. You fell for our little trap. Now she's gone. She's safe, you'll never see her again." Jimin sniffles. "And neither will I." 

Mr. Jung grits his teeth. "Sedate him. Mr. Jeon deserves to hear this for himself." Within only a second, Jimin feels something enter his neck, him whimpering at the feeling. He glares right at Mr. Jung with all the strength he has left. 

"You're fucking dead," Jimin whispers before succumbing into the darkness...

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