𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓕𝓪𝓿𝓸𝓻

690 36 20

Jimin sits on the edge of his bed, feet dangling ever so slightly. His girl is pacing back and forth, something she does often when she's anxious for something. What she's anxious for though... he's not sure. She won't tell him, every time he asks she just shrugs, mumbles something, then goes right back to pacing.

He watches with a bored expression, wanting to just kiss the fuck out of her but of course her pacing is making that difficult. "Babe," he says, but she doesn't speak. He sighs. "Babe." Again, nothing. "Babe!" 

Finally she stops, jumping at his raised voice. "What?"

Jimin pats the space next to him. "Sit." Although hesitant, she does. She plops down, the bed sinking underneath her. His hand quickly finds hers, entwining it with his and letting out yet another sigh. Seems like that's all he's doing these days. Sighing. "Tell me what's going on. Only then can I help."

"Remember when your boss spoke to me when you asked me to give you space? Yeah, I think he's going to tell me his favor tonight," she says. 

He slowly turns to look at her, blinking. "I'm sorry, what the fuck did you just sa-" He's cut off by her phone ringing, making him groan. It's always the fucking phone, isn't it?

She takes it out of her pocket, the contact reading 'Unknown'. Wow. What a shocker. Anyone shocked? Show of hands? Jimin just grumbles something to himself before averting his eyes, her accepting the call. She places it against her ear, gulping. "Yes sir. Right away sir." There's a few beats of silence. "I'm sorry? Oh, yes. I'll be there. Wait what? Bring Jimin?" Jimin goes still. "Yes sir. I'll be there soon. Am I dismissed?" She lets out a breath. "Thank you sir. Goodbye."

He watches as she shoves the phone into her pocket, her eyes looking at the ground. "He wants to meet, and he wants me to bring you. He didn't say why." Jimin somberly nods, looking at the ground with her. There's a few moments of quiet, then, she leans her head on his shoulder. "I doubt anything bad will happen... but if it does, I love you." He lets out a sigh for the millionth time today, wrapping an arm around her. 

"I love you too, baby girl. Always."


Mr. Kim stands tall, the rain coating him making him look more intimidating than usual. Even Jimin's scared standing here, watching him. He's worked for the man for years but he's terrified of him. Jimin fears two people total, Mr. Kim, and Y/n on her period. That's it. There's a slight twitch of fear when it comes to Mr. Jeon, but again, that's just a twitch. Nothing serious.

"Mr. Park, Miss L/n. Thank you for coming on such short notice. I appreciate it dearly. I'll cut straight to the chase. I need a favor. I've kept Miss L/n safe for the time being, but that'll only last so much longer." 

Jimin raises a brow. "What do you mean 'kept her safe'?" 

"Another has risen up and taken the reins for Mr. Min's operation. He wished to find Miss L/n and execute her for disobeying her mission from Mr. Min. However, the key word there is wished. I managed to pay him off to not only drop his selfish desire but to send assassins out to protect you from others. You think you've been allowed to stroll around unharmed for no reason, Mr. Park?"

Jimin keeps his mouth shut, knowing better than to mess with Mr. Kim. "Good. I'm afraid I'm no longer able to supply you with protection. In exchange for extending your lives, I'm asking that you do me a favor. A huge one." 

Y/n raises a single brow. "With all due respect, the faster you tell us, the faster we can help you." 

"So it would seem," he replies, "I want you to go and find someone for me. Find him and protect him with your lives."

Jimin and Y/n exchange a look. "Who?" she asks, turning to look at him again. 

"Kim Seokjin. This man means more to me than you can know. Add a few years onto your relationship with Jimin, and even then you wouldn't understand what he means to me." Mr. Kim sighs, the sound heard even over the rain. He takes off his hat and mask, tossing them aside. "I'm a dead man walking Jimin. I'm sorry to say it." 

Jimin's only more confused. "Sir, I don't understand." 

"Mr. Jeon knows about my hideouts. All of them. He knows my warehouses, my private spaces, my weapon stashes... everything. He's combined forces with the biggest in the game to find me. To overtake me. Soon enough, he'll kill me himself."

Jimin wants to speak, but Mr. Kim interrupts him. "I know it's coming. Sooner rather than later. Jin and I separated not too long ago out of fear for his safety. I had to send him to a safe house. I'll have one of my men call you when you get home to tell you the location. That safe house is a bigger death trap than him being here, standing next to me right now. He's safer with you than he is with my men. My men are already getting slaughtered left and right thanks to Mr. Jeon's brutal ways."

Mr. Jeon is beating Mr. Kim? The same Mr. Kim who owns New York? What the fuck?! Jimin doesn't believe that for a second. "Mr. Kim-" 

"Namjoon," he interrupts. Jimin goes still, his breath halting. "I'll be dead this time tomorrow Jimin, if I'm going out, I'd at least like to be called by my name." 

Jimin gulps, then nods. "Namjoon," he says, "we'll find Jin. We'll help him. But where the hell do we go from there? If Mr. Jeon can beat you, he can easily beat us."

Namjoon hums. "An excellent question. If you and her are serious about staying alive, I'd emigrate if I were you. Run as far as possible, make a living somewhere else. Make Jin your neighbor. I've taught him everything I know about self defense, but he'll still need help. He's not the same as us. He never has been, and I doubt he ever will be."

Y/n nods. "We'll do it. Thank you for protecting us for so long." 

Namjoon does a small nod of respect. "Anything for my two favorite assassins. Thank you. Find him, please." 

"We will," Jimin whispers. 

Namjoon lets out a shaky breath. "Dismissed." 

Before anyone can turn, Y/n shakes her head. "Goodbye, Kim Namjoon." Jimin returns the sentiments, giving his former boss a look of respect. To his surprise - Namjoon starts smiling. 

"Goodbye, Park Jimin and Y/n L/n. And from the bottom of my heart, good luck."

𝓟𝓼𝔂𝓬𝓱𝓸 (Psycho) || •PJM• ✔️Where stories live. Discover now