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"Run babe run!"

Jimin pulls her down the hall, panting while holding her hand. She pants with him, looking around for a way out. "You know this place, right?" She nods. "Where to?" They're being chased, they need to leave as fast as humanly possible. This could get ugly if they aren't outside in the next couple minutes.

"This way," she says, guiding them now. It's a dark, empty hallway. Distant gunshots sound off along with footsteps. They're following very, very closely. "Do you have any idea how the hell they found our house?" she asks, Jimin shrugging. 

"I have two guesses. First one - they tracked your phone call. Second - they've been following us for a while and tailed us home one time." 

"But we've been careful, we haven't seen anyone on the way back."

He shakes his head. "Sometimes mistakes happen, or maybe they were watching from the rooftops who knows. We can talk about it when we're safe and sound." She goes quiet, listening to him and deciding to just guide them down the halls. They stop at an intersection, two paths. One leads left, the other right.

"Which way?" he asks, catching his breath. 

"Right," she says. As soon as the words leave her lips, gunshots ring out. "Fuck!" she yells, practically throwing him behind the wall. 

"Baby! Are you okay?" he asks, still running.

"Just a graze, nothing I'm not used to." 

He gives her a look of disbelief. "Your shoulder is bleeding." 

"It's a graze, I'll be fine," she replies. "There should be stairs at the back of this hallway, if not, well we're royally screwed." 

"At least it's royally," Jimin mumbles as they burst through the next door. 

"Did you manage to get any weapons?" she asks, him shaking his head. 

"I just ran as fast as I could." 

"So did I. Shit, okay, let's climb, we'll have to leave through a window, hijack one of their cars."

He takes in her plan, deciding it's the best one before starting to climb the stairs. By the time they're only halfway up them, the sound of a door getting kicked down fills the room. He winces at the sound, Y/n simply grabbing him and making him run faster. He gulps, forcing down his fear of losing her as they traverse up the stairs. It's starting to feel like they're climbing a mountain.

They make it to the top, a window coming into view. Without wasting any time she kicks it open, him allowing her to crawl out first. He joins her right after, figuring that there's no way they escape without confronting whoever's following them. "Okay, let's get the jump on them, hide outside of the line of sight on the window," she says.

As always he listens, hiding in the corner and kneeling, preparing to jump out at the first person he sees. They wait in silence for a solid minute. Then, two men jump out. Y/n and Jimin fight in-sync, almost as if thinking with the same brain. It's like their thoughts are connected as they tackle both men to the small metal ledge.

The ledge is about three feet wide, so they have to be careful as hell. The pistols the men were holding scurry away from them as they hit the ground, one of the pistols completely falling off the roof. Jimin struggles to keep his man to ground, this one big and muscular. Due to his training in martial arts he's able to hold him down, but he needs a weapon to finish the job.

Y/n is holding hers down pretty well, punching him in the face repeatedly. Jimin decides to try that. He punches once, then twice, then three times. Blood soaks his knuckles as he keeps going, but he needs a pistol to finish this. The man's fight dies out more and more with each punch, so as soon as Jimin's convinced he won't get up, he rushes into action.

He dives away, grabbing the pistol that stayed on the roof. The man wobbly gets to his feet, spitting out blood and clenching his jaw. Tough son of a bitch, huh? Jimin almost snorts. Two can play that game, especially when one of them is holding a God damn gun.

The safety is already off, so Jimin just points and shoots once, hitting him in the torso. The man falls over, gagging and coughing, screaming in pain. Jimin doesn't pay him any mind, he simply turns to help Y/n only to see her standing, looking at her knuckles. They're covered with more blood than Jimin's are. Did she beat him to death? He wouldn't blame her but damn is that hot. Going hard to protect herself and him? Jimin can't help but smirk.

He clicks the safety on to the pistol, tucking it into his waistband before offering his hand to her. "Are you okay?" he asks, her nodding and entwining her hand with his. 

"Are you?" 

He dryly chuckles. "Nothing that won't heal. Now come on baby girl, let's get back to our place."

Before he can move, she tugs on his arm. "Our place? Shouldn't we go to a hideout?" 

"We will baby, but we need to get our stuff." 

"What if people are waiting for us to go back? Mr. Jeon is very, very resourceful." 

Jimin pauses, then nods. "I still think we should go back." 

"We only have one pistol." 

"We'll just creep up, scout the area, then leave if it's packed. If not we should get our stuff and run. What do you say?"

She appears conflicted for a moment, but looking into his determined eyes seems to give her a new fire. "Alright, but please, let's be careful." He smiles, kissing her forehead and giving her hand a squeeze. 

"Don't worry baby girl, I wouldn't want it any other way."

𝓟𝓼𝔂𝓬𝓱𝓸 (Psycho) || •PJM• ✔️Where stories live. Discover now