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"Kill him."

The man slits the kneeling one's throat, not caring about the blood oozing onto the ground. Mr. Jung straightens his tie, making sure to stand out of the line of fire. "Where is the security chief?" he asks his right-hand man. 

He just shrugs, "I have no idea sir." 

"Then you better find out," Hoseok says, the sound coming out even more intimidating than any screams or other demands he's made. His right-hand gulps, nodding respectfully before walking away. "Kill everyone in this place. Burn it, if you have to. I want the head and I want him now. If I don't have him in the next five minutes, I'll take matters into my own hands." And just like that, everyone gets to work.

Within two minutes, Hoseok is being transported to a room in the back, the head of security beaten up and tied to a wooden chair. His face is practically purple at this point, but Hoseok doesn't care. He straightens the cuffs of his jacket, kneeling in front of the panting man.

"You know why I'm here. Tell me where they are and this ends. If you don't... well, I hope you didn't want children," Hoseok says. They're in an abandoned power plant, one that was owned by Mr. Kim. Mr. Jeon had a hunch that this place might be where Jimin and Y/n were hiding. They've searched all his other outposts, so this one was one of the last. Hopefully this one isn't a bust like the last ten.

"I'm not telling you shit. I'm a dead man anyway," he replies. 

Hoseok chuckles. "Your boss is dead. What are you gonna do? Call him and warn him that Mr. Park and Miss L/n are in danger? No, I have no reason to kill you. Will I untie you? No, that's your problem, but I won't kill you. I just hope you can find a way out before you starve to death. No one's alive. No one's coming for you. So make your choice, and make it quickly. Otherwise you'll have no balls and bleed out within minutes."

The man sets his jaw, meeting Hoseok's eyes. "Fuck you," he says. 

Mr. Jung shows no reaction, he just holds up his hand. A knife is placed onto his gloved skin, his fingers closing around the handle. "Cut his pants open. Same with the boxers, don't be scared to snip his legs a little if you must."

His men get to work, using their knives to saw through his pants. The man squirms and winces at the blades nicking his skin, however he doesn't give in yet... but he will. He'll learn that his life is of more value than a fruitless quest to keep Jimin and Y/n safe. It's just a matter of time before he cracks.

Mr. Jung watches the whole process with no emotion present in his expression. After a few seconds of a struggle, the man finally caves. "Fine!" he yells, Mr. Jung holding up his hand to stop the process. His men back off, the beaten one giving Hoseok dark eyes. "They're gone. Out of the country." Hoseok places the tip of his knife against the skin of the man's knee. 


The man takes in shaky breaths, "Canada. They trekked north to Canada. Through the forest." 

Hoseok smiles. "Was that so hard?" He waves his free finger in the air. "Get a team together. Our best. Track them down. I want their heads."

They break off to do their tasks, Hoseok handing his knife to the nearest man and straightening his clothes. "I'm a man of my word. I'll keep you alive. Better start searching for a way out now." The man just grits his teeth, not moving or replying. Hoseok keeps his smile before walking out, his men following him.

"Don't make it easy on him. Turn off the light," Hoseok says. The light to the room flickers out as Hoseok leaves the building, not caring about the rest of the ones working for Mr. Kim. The fresh air hits his face, brushing his hair back gently. "Contact Mr. Jeon. Tell him we have a lead. Tell him every last detail, make sure he knows everything that's going on and make sure he approves. The last thing I need is a knife to the head for 'messing up'," Hoseok says, walking away before confirming that his men are carrying out the order.

The urge to smoke hits Hoseok, which is funny since even though he's mafia, he's never smoked before. He softly chuckles at his urges, amazed by how things changed. His life was so simple, and now here he is, a murderer. A torturer. A monster. What's even worse: none of those words impact him anymore.

Back at the beginning of this whole thing he'd cry himself to sleep. He'd hear even one of those words and hate himself more than anything. Now they're just that. Words. Nothing more than just words. His left eye twitches as one of his men approaches, clearing his throat.

"Sir, we got in contact with Mr. Jeon. He approves of your plan. He expects a report every hour." Hoseok doesn't reply, he just keeps staring out at the setting sun. 

"What's your name?" Hoseok asks, taking the man aback. 

"Uh... Tyrone, sir." 

"Tyrone what?" 

"Tyrone Silister," he replies, his voice monotone.

Hoseok nods. "Rank?" 

"I'm just a soldier, sir." 

He nods again, turning to face the dark-skinned man. Hoseok lets out a long sigh. "Tyrone?" 

"Yes sir?" 

"Would you like to smoke with me?" 

His eyes widen, but he's quick to clear his throat. "I'm sorry sir, but me?" 

"Do you smoke?" 

"Not really?" 

Hoseok dryly chuckles. "Neither do I..." He cuts himself off for a second, giving his subordinate a sad look. "But we'll be dead soon anyway, so what the hell?" Tyrone looks fearful for a moment, then, he hums. 

"Yeah. What the hell?"

𝓟𝓼𝔂𝓬𝓱𝓸 (Psycho) || •PJM• ✔️Where stories live. Discover now