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You open your eyes, letting out a soft breath at the sight in front of you. "What do you think?" Jimin whisper-asks, motioning to the balcony overlooking the beautiful city. 

You sniffle, nodding rapidly. "I love it. I love the wind." He brings you out more onto the magical structure, looking down at the lights as the sun shines on you.

It's been almost a year since Jungkook gave you permission to lead his mafia, and now, here you are. Finally at the top of the world. You and Jimin expanded the empire out of just New York. There's traces of your business all throughout America, some even creeping into other countries as well. There's really no shortage of what you've done.

Jimin holds your hand as the two of you look, loving the view. Gunner and Major are sat behind you, sleeping peacefully as they always do during the day. You give their sleeping forms a small smile before turning to Jimin, almost tearing up. "You really bought this place for me?" you ask.

He chuckles. "Are you kidding? Of course I did. I know how much you love rain, I figured this would be the perfect spot to see a lot of it. Not to mention the perfect atmosphere for songwriting." 

You nuzzle up next to him, sighing softly. "I love you Park Jimin." He smiles at that, not replying while looking down.

The silence that follows is comforting. Everything about your life with Jimin is comforting. You love him, and he loves you. And the two of you have been together for over a year, so what's not to love? He takes you on so many royal dates, fucks you every night, tells you he loves you. It's perfect. Absolutely perfect.

You got word from Jin not too long ago, a text sent from a burner phone. Apparently he's doing really good. He doesn't really need to hide anymore since Mr. Jeon isn't hunting him now, but he likes his new life in Canada. You're glad he found his peace. Just like how you found yours.

Speaking of peace, Jimin lets out a shaky breath, bringing you out of your thoughts. "I have to ask you something," he whispers. 

Uh oh, you've heard those words before. You softly snicker, turning to look at him. "What is it babe?" 

He smiles, clearing his throat. "I uh... hang on, I'm mentally hyping myself up."

You give him the time he needs, keeping a patient, loving gaze on his beautiful dark brown eyes. Before you even know what's happening, he's leaving your proximity, grabbing one of your hands as he lowers himself down to one knee. Your eyes nearly pop out of your skull watching him, but he doesn't speak for another few seconds, tearing up.

"We've been together for gosh, over a year now, and I have to say it's been the best of my life," he whispers, brushing his thumb across your smooth skin. "We rule the world now, baby. And I want you and I to rule it for as long as we live. So, baby girl..."

Jimin brings a box out of his coat's pocket, opening it with one hand. Your tears fall as you softly laugh, loving the ring that awaits you. "Be mine forever. Please," he whispers. "Will you marry me?" As soon as the words leave his mouth you find yourself nodding rapidly. You didn't even have to think about it.

He cries, rubbing his lips together as he nods. You take off the first ring he ever gave you, helping him place the new one on. The two of you kneel together, you bringing him into a tight hug he's quick to return. "I love you," you mutter. "Thank you. Thank you so much." 

He giggles, almost choking on his own tears. "Are you serious? I should be the one thanking you."

The two of you stay like that for a little while longer, appreciating being in each other's arms. You squeeze him. "I love you. I love you so much." 

"I love you too," he whispers back, the wind brushing through your locks.

After a few minutes of hugging, you finally gain the strength to stand. He laughs as you help him up, the sun shining brighter than it was before. And just like that, his lips land on yours. The kiss is a 'thank you', a thank you the two of you can't get enough of saying to each other. Finally you have a true purpose in life. Him. Your purpose is Park Jimin, and you're his.

Jimin pulls back, still keeping his hands on your hips. The stare you share brings goosebumps to your arms and legs. He's so beautiful. In a way no one else can be. On the inside and out. Jimin gives you a cute eye smile, guiding you to the edge of the balcony once again.

You lean into his side, loving that from here you can overlook the entire city. It almost feels like you're the rulers, which in a way, you are. You and Jimin own everything in sight. Everything. Crazy how fast things change, huh? This time last year you were running for your lives... now everyone is running from you.

"Hey baby girl?" Jimin whispers, once again drawing you out of your thoughts. 

You turn to gaze at him, raising both your brows. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Remember when I asked you to be my girlfriend? That whole day?"

You almost laugh. "Of course I do. How could I not?" 

He gives your body a small squeeze, letting a warm sigh slip by his lips. "I told you we'd be the King and Queen of the world." Your eyes widen as he motions to the view. "I wasn't kidding," he says, looking down with pride radiating in his eyes. 

You smile at his side profile, letting out a short breath. "King and Queen," you whisper, processing the words. 

He senses your smile and matches it. "We may be absolute psychos, but at least we have each other," he replies, turning to you. Your eyes meet, and it's like the whole world seems to fall into place. "We're the King and Queen, baby." He entwines his hands with yours, brushing his thumb over your new ring. "We always were, and now? We always will be..."

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓔𝓷𝓭


So, here we are. The end of Psycho. Surprisingly this didn't take long to write, but it was such a fun journey! I thought I'd make it longer than this, but I think she stayed long enough. I just realized that only three of the boys survive. Jin, Jimin, and Jungkook. Even then Jungkook's status is unknown, as an ex mafia... ahh who knows, he could be in grave danger. Kind of wanted to keep his ending open to interpretation. Might fuck around and do a spin off-

Joking. Probably.

Okay okay so maybe I forgot this was a PJM fic while writing some of the Jungkook stuff but that's besides the point . The point is this story was a lot of fun and it's definitely different from anything I've ever done before. Thank you so much for sticking around for the journey, and I know I'll miss writing Mr. Jeo- I mean Jimin and Y/n. I hope you enjoyed the journey of Psycho, and I also hope to see you guys in the future with my other words <3

Thank you again, and if you liked this, I'd recommend reading my other PJM fics since I certainly have a lot of them and a lot upcoming. Follow for more, and thanks for reading!


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