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Jungkook steps over the broken glass, his left eye twitching at the sight of the empty house. Of course they're too late. Of course they are. "What happened," Jungkook says, looking over at the two men next to him. Different men than the ones Jungkook talked to the night before.

"I-I don't know sir, we took out the security team and broke in, but they were already gone. All their stuff is still here," one of them replies, trying his hardest not to seem incompetent when that's exactly what he is. "They escaped sir," he firmly says, gaining a bit of confidence.

Without even uttering a word, Jungkook shoots him in the chest, gritting his teeth. "Incompetence won't be tolerated. Find them, now!" he shouts. The other man watches as his colleague bleeds out next to him. "Use that as motivation. Don't fucking fail me."

He nods rapidly. "Right away sir, I'll get in contact with Mr. Jung." 

"Good! Finally someone with a brain!" Jungkook says before walking away. They trashed the place, searching every single nook and cranny. However, there's two places they haven't searched yet. The living room, and the bedroom.

He walks through the living room, looking at the wall. His breath gets caught in his throat. Multiple pictures of them together are hung up on the walls, all organized with cute frames and styles. Jungkook stares, looking at how happy they look together.

Jungkook, unbeknownst to himself, tears up looking at them. Their smiles. His hand reaches out, his fingers tracing down the frame. He just looks and looks, absorbing every detail. A member of his team walks in, a hammer in his hands. "Wait..." Jungkook whispers, the man stopping in his tracks.

"Leave this intact," he says, the man confused but obliging. "Actually, stop the vandalism. That's enough. Spread the word." When the man hesitates, Jungkook gives him a glare. "Did I fucking stutter?" The man instantly takes off, Jungkook mentally smirking but physically keeping his glare as he walks away.

He walks up the stairs, entering the first bedroom he sees. It's nice, bed messy, the closet open. Definitely the one they used. Jungkook looks around but sees nothing of note. Well, that's not true, there's a box peeking out from under the bed. He kneels, taking it out. Oh. Sex toys. Why is he not surprised?

Jungkook grimaces and stands again, scared to look at the sheets but he does. They're actually... clean. Must be cleaned daily to keep up with their activities. Jungkook's very aware of the rumors that Park Jimin is aggressive when it comes to sex. Very, very aggressive. Based on the toys he saw, it's true. However, Jungkook looks up and everything comes to a stop. There's another picture hanging over their bed.

It's of their love lock.

He staggers back, heaving as he throws a hand over his chest. His tears fall now, burning his eyes and his skin. No... no why are there reminders of Tae everywhere? Even in his enemy's house! "Fuck... fuck!" Jungkook shouts, falling to his knees. He softly cries, placing one hand on his face while the other is on the ground.

Why him? Why now? This isn't fair, it's not fair to him at all! "Why didn't I just propose?" Jungkook whispers, knowing that he won't get an answer. He looks up at Jimin and Y/n's love lock, longing in his eyes. Then, he sees it. Although the main focus is on Jimin and Y/n's, he can see other love locks around it.

Jungkook stands, rushing over and hopping on the bed. He places one hand on the frame, observing every inch and burning it into his brain. Near theirs... it's a golden lock. A golden one with what looks like a J name and a T name. It's too out of focus to read, but he knows he has to go find out. He just has to. It's not even that important, but he wants to see for himself. Why can't everything just be easy?

He turns in time to see Mr. Jung walking into the room. "What the hell are you doing here?" Jungkook asks. 

"I was called to the scene, I wasn't too far away. I wanted to observe, see Jimin's demise. But I hear they aren't here?"

"What do you think, Hobi?" Hoseok flinches at the nickname but chooses against replying. "I have something personal to attend to tomorrow during the afternoon, but I want them tracked down by tomorrow night. I'm done having them escape. I've had enough," Jungkook says, hopping off the bed. Hoseok looks at the picture above the bed, then clears his throat.

"Sir, with all due respect, we have no fucking idea where they went." 

Jungkook takes a step forward. "Don't use that language with me." 

"I just fucking did," Hoseok replies. 

Jungkook's left eye twitches again, but he simply smirks. "Hm, maybe you're not so bad after all," he whispers, walking over and patting Hoseok on the shoulder. "Find them and bring them to me." 

"With all due respect, that didn't work last time." 

"It will this time," Jungkook replies. 

Hoseok only seems confused. "Sir, I'm not sure I follow?" 

Jungkook walks off, standing in the doorframe before peeking over at Hoseok with a glare. "Let's just say the man who saved them last time won't be in the picture anymore." 

And without another word, he walked away...

𝓟𝓼𝔂𝓬𝓱𝓸 (Psycho) || •PJM• ✔️Where stories live. Discover now