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Every day Jimin falls more in love with Y/n L/n.

Jimin hangs up the photo of him and her together. It's such a simple one, them in bed, throwing peace signs to the camera. A selfie-style picture that Y/n took of them. It's so cute that he hung it up on their wall in the living room. Of course that's not the only one he has hung up.

There's some of her posing in the different places they've gone to, some of him looking small in oversized clothes or next to giant objects, but most of all there's a lot of them together. Jimin - being the cheeky bastard he is - went back to the 'LOVE' sign and took a picture of their lock, hanging it in their room right above their bed.

"All done babe?" Y/n asks from behind him. He softly hums, coming down from the chair and turning to face her. 

"Like it?" 

She smiles. "Like it? I love it. We have a whole wall of our pics together now. Thanks for hanging them up Min, it looks beautiful. Who knew you had an eye for art?"

He comes closer, placing his hands on her hips. "Well, when you're around a walking piece of art for so long-" 

"Oh my God," she interrupts with a laugh, "you're so cheesy sometimes." 

He pecks her lips. "Sorry, I have my moments." They rock back and forth gently, him giving her a look full of admiration that she returns. "Did you write that new song you said you were going to?" he asks, breaking the short silence. Y/n hasn't done too much song writing in her time with him, but she said she loves doing it. So she made a pact with herself to finish a song this month, even if they're busy running for their lives and going on cute dates.

"Almost, I have the bridge and last verse to get through. So close yet so far," she says, giving him the cutest pout in existence. Gosh, he can faint from happiness looking at her cute face. 

He softly chuckles, placing his forehead on hers. And now to say the three words he'll never get enough of. "I love you."

"You have an obsession with saying that, don't you? That's the twelfth time today you've told me and we've been awake for a whopping one hour," she says, "but I love you too... as I've said twelve times now." 

He giggles like a little baby, pecking her nose. "But it's the truth. I love you." 

"Oh my- Park Jimin!"

He laughs. "So much that I have to ask when we're getting married." 

"We're getting married?" 

"Well obviously, not like an actual ceremony. Maybe just like eloped or something. I need to have a document that says you're mine, you know how possessive I am," he replies with a shrug.

"Why am I dating you?" she asks, sighing. 

"Because my dick is bigger than your forehead." 

"I hate you." 

"You love me." 

She lets out yet another sigh. "Somehow. You just concern me sometimes, that's all." 

"Don't I concern everyone? Come on, I'm just an awesome guy what can I say." 

"I don't think awesome and concern should be used that close together Min."

He laughs, entwining his hand with hers to instead guide her over to the couch. They plop down, his tiny hand instantly going for the remote. At the same time, hers does too, their skin tingling once they brush past each other. Instead of just blushing and locking eyes, they decide to do the only thing they ever know how to do: WWE wrestle for it.

Soon enough they're on the ground, rolling around while yelling at each other to let go of the device. The TV is on at this point, flicking through the many channels while the two of them have a literal fight for it. Jimin is winning so far, but that changes when Y/n knees him in the thigh. Not his muscular thighs!

He groans as she pants, stealing the remote from his baby hands and getting back on the couch. "I don't want to watch My Little Pony!" he says in a whine. 

"Oh please, you're more likely to put that on than I am and we both know that's true!" Okay, she's not wrong. My Little Pony can be entertaining sometimes, alright? Don't judge Jimin, he's baby.

Jimin stands, rubbing his head before sitting next to her. "What are you gonna put on?" 

"If you keep annoying me, I'll actually make it My Little Pony," she replies with a smug smile, turning the channel to the Disney channel. 

"You're shitting," he says, exasperated.

"I won't leave it on, I was just curious. I never watched Disney as a kid," she replies. 

"Well isn't that something, why don't we just get all the princess movies and watch them together?" 

"I hear Mulan is a banger," she says. Wait, why does Jimin want to do this now.

"I see us as Ariel and Eric from the Little Mermaid," he says as she flips through more channels. 

"Did you just compare me to a fish?"

 "An attractive fish," he corrects. 

She turns to stare at him, giving him a look of disgust. "Why am I dating you?" 

"I don't know."

She just shakes her head, "I'm starting to think the dick isn't worth it anymore." 

He knocks her back, hovering over her as the remote drops out of her hand. She gives him a 'seriously?' look that makes him chuckle. "I can prove that it is. It'll only take a couple minutes." 

"Min, I know you're not very smart but when talking to a woman, admitting that you can cum in like two minutes isn't a very good pick up line."

Jimin pouts. "You know from experience I can last longer." 

She blinks. "You know what Min?" He tilts his head, raising both his brows. She sighs. "Just fuck me already." And without another moment's hesitation, he does.

But little do they know, right outside, their security team is dying...

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