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2 | tired of heartbreak

nini leaned against her locker having to hear the same story over and over by the one and only gina about how she found out this boy was using her to win a dare. "gi, please. we've heard enough." nini groans as her other friends, ej, ash and carlos does as well. "i mean i feel bad that you went through all that but goodness, we've heard that story over 10 times."

"cause it's absolutely shocking!" gina beams. nini sighs, gina takes a good look at the girl and took a deep breath. "ever since him you've always been so down."

"she's not wrong." carlos spoke up, "stop moping around. i miss old nini." he pouts.

"we should go to the basketball party tonight, old nini might show up." ej suggested, wiggling his brows.

nini rolled her eyes in frustration, "old nini is still me. i was just tired today, had to study because yanno i'm the only smart one in this group." she turns around to close her locker, and when she faced her friends she noticed ricky enter with his friends.

"that's not true!..." gina's voice faded into nothing, when nini became to focused on ricky.
his same curly brown hair, his charming smile, and the way he was walking so confidently through the hall as he's talking with his friends, kourt, red, and seb besides him. that's all that was needed to make nini's heart throb.

"hellooo." ash waved her hand in front of nini's face, causing her to snap back into reality. "yeah she was definitely looking at ricky."

"so was she?" ricky walked up to the group, grinning. "roberts."

"bowen." nini rolled her eyes, "are you obsessing over me or something? why are you here?" nini made a remark, which made ricky scoff.

"funny coming from you since your friends just admitted to you gazing over me." ricky replied at her remark, smirking.

"shut the fuck up bowen, the world doesn't revolve around you." nini held up the middle finger at the curly headed boy.

"mhm. bitch." ricky did the same as her and walked around. nini crossed her arms over her chest, groaning in annoyance.

"he's so irritating. i hate him." nini asserted.

"you love him." ej corrected her, nini then quickly shot a glare at the blue eyed boy. "did i lie? no."

"yes you did, i'm over him. we broke up like 3 months ago." nini pushed herself off the locker, "i'm going to class." she walked away from her friend group.

"she definitely still wants to make out with him." gina grinned, as the others laughed.

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