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14 | pieces are meant to be
put together, but if ours isn't?

lily laughed at one of the jokes ricky made, they were still sat at one of the tables in starbucks. talking for hours, loosing track of time. everything nini and ricky did together.

but lily made ricky forget about nini, even if it was just for a moment—he liked it. disregarding the topic of nini, he also really liked lily's company. even if it was only for today. "no way you jumped off a cliff, into a lake without hesitating. no way!" ricky exclaimed as he chuckled while looking at the blonde hair girl.

she shrugged as the same pretty smile grew on her face. her shiny white teeth peaked through, catching ricky's full attention to be on her—being completely mesmerized. "hey—" stated by lily, and ricky was snapped back into reality.

"—play a game of soccer with me" lily paused, shrugging, slightly grinning. "im pretty decent at the sport." ricky jokingly rolled his eyes at her sarcasm.

"hmm. really?" ricky lifted his eyebrows while grinning along with lily. "bet i could beat you in a game."

"oh you wanna bet?" lily scoffed as she softly giggling. ricky nodded, he quickly finished the rest of his starbucks drink. He and lily went to a local park to play a game of soccer.

"you shouldn't be to confident bowen." lily challenges the curly headed boy. without ricky saying another word, he began dribbling the ball with his feet across the field. once lily caught up to him, ricky expected to easily juke her but instead she juke him, and took the ball away from the boy, then kicking it into the goal. "you cheated." ricky joked.

"did i?" lily walked up to the boy, playfully hitting him the shoulder. then both teens were caught in each other's eyes. as the gap between them was slowly closing in, some kids on the field accidentally hit ricky on the head with the ball. "ow!" ricky jerked back from lily.

the blonde girl giggled as she looked at the hurt boy.

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