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28 | will we ever go back
to those days

the two teens woke up to themselves cuddling, they both realized and their eyes widened. quickly, they both jumped out of the bed, and their eyes still connected. "what was that!?" nini managed to cough out, "i mean—it doesn't mean anything, but that's weird."

ricky cleared his throat, "yes, very weird." he coughed awkwardly. "anyways! um—i'm sorry for sleeping on our conversation yesterday..what did you say?"

"oh uh..nothing." nini forcefully smiled, "it was nothing important anyways." she laughed nervously. ricky nodded, although—he knew the girl was lying but he didn't say anything else to push her to saying it.

nini on the other hand sighed in relief, but also her heart was breaking more by the day, slowly. she missed ricky, everything about him.

his lips, his hugs, his words that would always make her day, his gifts, his company. everything and anything by about him—she missed.

nini used to think they'd eventually get back together but the more time passes by, she loses hope by the day. the girl never hated the boy, she just acted like it to dish her feelings away.

and it was the same for ricky, while dating lily, he tired convincing himself that he was definitely over the brunette girl, but that wasn't the case and he accepted that it will always and only be nini for him.

the two teens wished and hoped they would go back to those days where'd they were each other's everything. cause those days were much more peaceful and simpler.

"hmm no.." nini shook her head at the options ricky put out. "uh—definitely not."

ricky groaned in frustration, "nini you're literally saying no to everything. this outfit has to be good. c'mon." the curly headed boy, placed the outfit on him and posed.

"yeah...no. it's fucking ugly, i'm sorry." nini giggled.

"fuck you, you suck." ricky rolled his eyes, he returned the outfit to their rackets and walked back to nini. "you are the worse person ever."

"stop being soo but hurt over an outfit." nini laughed, pulling ricky in to hug him. "i love youuuu." she cooed softly, she looked up at her boyfriend to see him having a straight face.

"say it back before i chop your dick off." nini giggled, ricky groaned the words back in frustration. the brunette girl tired kissing hun but he dogged it. "you're such a baby, it's funny."

"nini i swear just help me pick an outfit !" ricky pulled out of her grasp and started searching for shirts and pants to pair together.

"ughhh, can we go already. we've been here for 3 hours rickyyyy."

"cause i need an outfit! every time you need shit you always spend dozens of fucking hours here." ricky rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"are you actually getting annoyed? i thought you didn't like your mom and todd why does the perfect outfit matter so much to you for their wedding?" nini scoffed.

"this is the second fucking time my mom is getting married, and the first time i wasn't there because i didn't fucking exist yet. even though i don't like them together, doesn't mean i'm gonna fucking show up in some ugly ass suit." ricky ranted at the girl, still searching for a good suit.

"ok ok..i'm sorry." nini walked up to the boy and hugged him from behind. ricky sighed he turned around, kissing the girl on the forehead.

"hey." ricky softly stated, "it's fine. and i didn't mean to yell..but please, i need your help."

"you aren't going fucking win even if my life depended on it." nini giggled, trying to out dance ricky in just dance. "how the fuck do you have 5 stars and i barley have 3?"

ricky laughed mischievously while he continued dancing and not saying a word.

the song finally needed and ricky won with 6 stars and nini with 5. "ricky im gonna be on your ass forever, you ain't never gonna see the light of day." nini started chasing ricky around his house and he screamed and shouted.

"niniii!!" ricky quickly grabbed her body, and swung her over his shoulder, and she whined.

"ricky put me down before i hurt something of yours."

"okay if you say so." ricky smirked, he laid nini down on his bed, and hovered over her.
her breathing hitched as their eyes meet.

both teens smiled sadly at the memories of them. it hurt to remember.

𝖻𝖾𝗍𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗅𝖾𝖿𝗍 𝗎𝗇𝗌𝖺𝗂𝖽 [ 𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘪  ]Where stories live. Discover now