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23 | i saw your potential
without seein' credentials

nini woke up to ricky gone, he wasn't anywheee in the room. but then she realize he was probably just in lily's hotel room. nini rolled her eyes at the thought of that, everything that happened yesterday with him meant so much to her, but yet he still had a girlfriend.

nini showered and got dressed in black sweats and a large sweater. it was very cold up in the mountains, and it was snowing heavily so they couldn't ski today.

the brunette girl headed over to her friends hotel room and entered without knowing because she knew the key code. "wassgooood." nini jokingly greeted her friends as she plopped onto their bed.

"heyyy, care to address the tweets?" carlos raised his eyebrows as he grinned, getting straight to the point.

"los..it's seven in the morning." nini planted her face in his pillows as she groaned. "plus ricky is over at lily's hotel right now, my tweets don't matter anymore." she sighs, rolling herself over to lay on her back.

"well with that attitude you're never getting him back." ej laughed, as all his other friends did except nini, she jokingly shot him a glare.
"it was a joke!! sort of.."

nini rolled her eyes, "i wish i could turn back time,y'know. not change anything else but just the way i acted towards ricky that day. he tried to tell me but i wasn't fucking listening." nini breaths out, while all her friends sat down next to her on carlos's bed.

"well, i think you should only blame yourself. ricky should've been more clear with you rather than just saying he didn't cheat." gina paused, as she began braiding nini's hair. "like explain the situation more, and you should've sat and listened, even if you thought he was cheating."

"yeah i realize that now.."

"gina giving good advice? that's new." ej scrunched his brows, as everyone laughed except gina. she glared at the boy, then began attacking him. "ow! that hurt."

"they definitely fucked in their hotel room since their roommates." ashlyn whispered over to carlos and nini, and all three of the teens—while watching gina and ej play fight—they bursted out laughing.

"ashlyn, cousin dear. i heard that you bitch!" ej came running towards ashlyn, and she quickly got up from carlos's bed—trying her best to run away.

lily was laid down on ricky's lap, as he played with her hair. and all of their friends surrounded them on lily's bed. "nah nah, you meant to tell me...NINI is your roommate??" kourtney's jaw dropped in shock, "we taking about that same nini right? short bitch, brunette hair, high key a bitch, nini?"

everyone in the room laughed at kourtney's description. "yess kourt, i've repeated this many times already. what do you not understand?" ricky chuckles, lily sat up, leaning against ricky's chest, and his arms were wrapped around her waist.

"wow..you have horrible luck. imagine having to share a room with her." kourtney said, and lily and her being the only one to burst into laughter.

"literally! i swear when i went to ricky's room last night, i can tell that bitch was jealous." lily giggled, as well as kourtney. ricky fell silent, he was torn in between his current girlfriend that he really likes, and his ex girlfriend that he never fell out of love with.

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