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12 | moving on before your
feelings change

"can you pass the ball to me, bowen?" jack called out, he jogged towards ricky, stealing the ball out of his hands. jack dribbled the ball towards the other hoop, and shot the ball.

"what the fuck jack!" ricky shouted, walking towards jack. glaring down at him, "this is practice i don't have to fucking give you the ball."

"y'all—" howie tried stopping the two from fighting but got interrupted by jack.

"that's the fucking point of practice! to know each other's movements so the game can run smoothly. are you fucking dense?" jack pushed ricky.

"don't touch me you idiot." ricky balled his hands into a fist. "how come you're never original? you always try to be me." the curly headed boy rolled his eyes.

jack scoffed, realizing what ricky meant. "hm, so this isn't about basketball isn't it?" he grins slightly, "mad cause nini ain't sucking your dick anymore—" jack was cut off by a fist into his face.

jack fell back on to the floor, ricky knelt down to his leveling, continuously punching the brown haired boy over and over. "ricky!" howie tried pulling him back, but ricky pushed him off.

jack caught ricky's fist in mid air, picking up his own hands, pushing ricky off of him. as jack was about to put his fist against ricky's jaw, antoine came running out of the locker room, pulling jack back. "chill the fuck out you animals!" antoine shouted, glaring at both jack and ricky. "jesus y'all are idiots, seriously fighting over a girl??"

coach came out of his office, peeking at the two boys. glaring at both of them, "angels, bowen!" coach barker called out at the two, "my office, now."

both boys stood up from the floor, giving each other dirty looks. "you're fucking stupid." ricky spat, "you know how i feel about nini."

"and? you don't own her. calm your dick." jack rolled his eyes, and jogged up to coach's office, leaving ricky behind.

"care to explain what you two were doing out on the court?" coach barker, raised his eyebrows with his arms crossed in front of his chest, and him leaning back on his chair. "why is it, yall are FIGHTING. instead of practicing?"

"coach, ricky started—"

"cut the bullshit!" coach barker stopped leaning back, jolting at the two boys. "why were you fighting?"

"because jack's dumbass was complaining about me not passing the ball." ricky half told the truth, jack scoffed.

"not true, ricky attacked me because his bitchass is mad about his ex wanting me." jack quickly responded.

coach raised his eyebrows, "is this true, bowen?"

ricky sighed, nodding slowly. coach barker, deeply sighed in disappointment. "wow y'all are beyond idiots. both of you, give me 20 push ups, right now!"

the two boys did not hesitate, they quickly got up from the chairs they sat on and completely the task—ricky finishing first. "run 5 laps around the track." coach told them afterwards.


"did i stutter??" he glared at the boys. they rolled their eyes in annoyance. they walked out on the track, and began running. the whole time they tried out run one another, giving each other glared, and once in a while they insulting remarks.

𝖻𝖾𝗍𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗅𝖾𝖿𝗍 𝗎𝗇𝗌𝖺𝗂𝖽 [ 𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘪  ]Where stories live. Discover now