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13 | the days we spent,
all for what?

social media

days went by, where nini and ricky would not speak to each other and those were the same days, ricky had to endure the heart ache when he'd see nini and jack flirt constantly during practice

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days went by, where nini and ricky would not speak to each other and those were the same days, ricky had to endure the heart ache when he'd see nini and jack flirt constantly during practice.

it had come to a point, ricky would miss practice just for a chance to miss the relationship he dreaded. at some points ricky was convinced nini was doing it on purpose, cause no way she'd move on that easily after hooking up with him constantly. but afterwards, ricky just thought he was overthinking the situation.

while classes were in session, ricky pulled nini aside into an empty classroom. when they were both in the room, no one said a word. they just stared at one another, and the silence was deafening. "okay, are you gonna say something or—" nini finally spoke up, but was eventually cut off by the curly headed boy.

"i'm seriously confused nina." ricky started, "i mean it's so weird how you went from kissing me every day of the week, to going out with jack and avoiding me." he scoffed.

"avoiding you?" nini paused to giggled, "ricky, sorry to say, but not everything is about you. i didn't pay attention to you because i'm with jack."

"you're dating him?" ricky raised his eyebrows in complete disbelief. nini began fidgeting with her fingers.

"well, no—not yet. but that isn't the point. you didn't want us to be together and that's fine. but i have a right to move on." the brunette girl shrugs, ricky sighs deeply.

"you're really still on that? what i said was weeks ago. plus, it seems like i was right hence the fact that you move on so fucking easily." ricky rolled his eyes, looking away from the girl.

"you're fucking mad that i moved on? AFTER you said you didn't want to be together. really ricky? are you confused or some shit." nini scoffed as she laughed as well. "it was YOUR decision."

"nina it doesn't take a blind man to see my feelings for you. i said that because i wanted it to work out, instead of us ending the same as last time!" ricky shouted, while his voice was cracking due to being on the verge of tears.

"richard, you don't get to decide whether i should stay with you or not just because you didn't want to be clear with your feelings!" nini shouted back, her eyes began flooding with tears. "all this time after we broke up, you were rude to me first and i recuperated on it because i thought you had already lost feelings for me. and went you decided to meet up, i finally thought you regained those feelings just for you to say, we shouldn't be together. so don't start saying all this bullshit. okay? let me be happy. stop fucking peoples lives for once." nini poured all her feelings out at once, the tears that were lingering in her ears fell at once.

𝖻𝖾𝗍𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗅𝖾𝖿𝗍 𝗎𝗇𝗌𝖺𝗂𝖽 [ 𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘪  ]Where stories live. Discover now