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15 | Just makin' sure I'm good
on my own tonight

"they cannot be serious." kourtney laughed along with all her friends, including lily. the blonde haired girl was seated right next to ricky in big red's room, ricky invited her because he wanted her to meet his friends. "i mean she has a whole new boyfriend and she's acting clueless to why you're moving on." kourtney continued.

"i don't know much about the situation, butt ricky and i aren't even dating. literally just friends so i don't know why she's worked up about it." lily shrugged, taking a piece of popcorn from the bowel.

"plus she moved on with jack before she even moved on from me. so i don't know what her problem is." ricky rolled his eyes in frustration.

"it's weird as fuck, but let's not let that ruin our movie night." seb shrieked in excitement, "i wanna watch this movie and y'all are gonna love it."

"it's just so fucking weird, you weren't even talking about him." gina complained as the rest of her friends, including jack was agreeing and adding their statements in too.

"right! i was literally talking about jack telling me random shit, and it was funny. but nahh, ricky thinks it's all about him." nini scoffs, then after, taking a sip out of her drink.

"the timing was kind of weird though.." jack pointed out, and everyone groaned in frustration in the room.

"yeah true, but i wasn't even checking up on ricky. how would i know he's fucking dating the captain of the girls soccer team?" nini chuckled, "im the one who found a lovely boyfriend.." nini pasued, to peck jack on the lips.

"..while he was still worried about my life, not living his. and if he finally moved on—that's great." nini shrugged, "no one would give a single fuck." nini concluded, then realized the room full of her friends went quiet.

"nini i love you and all but..are you telling us, or trying to convince yourself.." ej raised his eyebrows as his arms crossed in front of his chest.

"..yeah we love you, and believe you're happy but the way you just ranted about him supposedly dating lily kind of gave off the vibes that.." ash started but didn't finish her sentence, solely because she knew jack would be hurt by the information.

jack sighs, looking at all nini's friends with a worried expression. nini looked at jack and back at her friends, "okay. what is this? i don't care if ricky is dating another girl??" nini looked at all of her friends and her boyfriend while slumping back on the couch. "y'all are annoying."

nini stood up from the couch, grabbing her jacket and leaving gina's house. she didn't want  to hear about how she still had feelings for ricky, because she doesn't—as she thinks.

"sorry jack.." carlos apologizes for what they have caused. jack took a deep breath as he got up from the same couch nini sat on. "we weren't trying to start anything we just felt—"

"no—uh..it's fine." jack softly chuckled, "i know you guys didn't want to start anything. i don't know why nini is getting so defensive." he shrugged, then after a few goodbyes he left gina's house as well.

"so we can all agree that nini definitely still likes ricky?" gina turns around to the rest of her friends who were still seated in her room.
they all nod in agreement, "guess she's the only blind one."


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