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29 | the exception

nini laid down on her bed, on her phone while ricky was talking with his friends about lily. the brunette hated hearing about how the boy missed the blonde, nini wanted to be the person he missed.

she wanted to be his everything the way he was her's. and ricky made it worse by giving her mixed signals—one day he's dropping hints about him still loving her, the next he's cuddling it up with lily.

it was becoming more and more painful by the day, but nini had to pretend it was alright. if her ex was anyone else it'd be easy to let go.

but ricky? he's the only exception.

now ricky's feelings were different from the way nini were perceiving them. ricky missed nini, and only her. he just didn't want to admit it while her being in the same room as her currently.

ricky knows nini still has feelings for him, and he wants to act on it but he's scared for the relationship to end how it did the first time.

"who would most likely end up the richest amongst us all?" ej asked, and everyone in the room pointed at him.

"you just said that so they could point at you, huh?" gina raised her brows, as she giggled.

ej nodded, laughing with the curly headed girl.

"okay okay, who would most likely play love interests in a movie together." ashlyn asked, everyone except ricky's and nini's friend group pointed at ricky and a curly brunette head.

nini cleared her throat and shifted uncomfortably. ricky pulled her in closer to reassure her when he noticed she became uncomfortable. "whattt? no? it would definitely be me and nini." ricky laughed, and his and nini's friends agreed.

"na na, remember the year before you dated nini? you and julie had chemistry!" luke shook his head—disagreeing with ricky.

"oh yeah..i remember when we kissed in the cafeteria in front of everyone." julie laughed, looking directly into ricky's eyes.

"uh-" ricky coughed.

"guys im literally right—"

"yeah should recreate it!!" alex talked over nini, which got everyone hyped and started pushing ricky and julie towards eachother.

"y'all are so disrespectful, i'm literally his girlfriend." nini scoffed in annoyance, while ricky and julie was getting closer and closer by everyone pushing them together. "ricky!"

"it's just a dare. chill." luke rolled his eyes at nini, trying to push her away from the two.

ricky tried backing away from julie and the crowd, but his lips almost touched julies. while in nini's perspective, it seemed as if ricky was willingly kissing julie.

nini scoffed at what she had seen, tears fell from her eyes not expecting ricky to be disloyal. she walked out of the house and sat on the sidewalk.

while ricky wasn't kissing julie, he finally broke out of the crowd and followed nini outside. "neens.."

"don't fucking talk to me. just talk me home." nini shouted in a whisper, as hot tears poured down her face.

instead of the two not talking to each other's they fought the whole ride to his house. "i told you to fucking take me home! not to your house!" nini shouted back, looking away from ricky.

"cant you be fucking mature for once!? let's talk this out." ricky yelled back, he parked in front of the garage, got out of his side of the car and grabbed nini's arm to pull her inside the house.

"let go of me!! you such a fucking asshole! how can you cheat on me after two years and a half together?!" nini pushed ricky off of her after entering his house.

"would you FUCKING listen to me?! i didn't fucking kiss her. get my words through your thick skull, goodness." ricky rolled her eyes in annoyance. "it's like you're trying to cause a problem that's not there! you weren't in my position. i didn't fucking kiss julie."

"gosh! you even remember her name. you're such a DICK!" nini pushed the boy away from her again.

ricky groaned in frustration, "oh sorry, i didn't fucking know i shouldn't have good memory."

"oh shut the fuck up, and what do you mean you didn't kiss her. i SAW you guys with my own two eyes! you're a cheater. and you are a fucking ass for not even wanting to admit it." nini asserted, then she walked outside of his house.

"oh really? that's what you think?" ricky rolled his eyes scoffing as he follow the brunette girl outside. "do you really think i'd do that? stoop that low?"

"i don't know what to think richard!" nini yelled at the boy, her eyes flooded with tears. the sky went dark, thunder started growling, rain began dripping heavy. "i don't know." she sighed, repeating the same words only quieter.

"nini, why don't you trust me." ricky's voice broke, he hated when the girl cried usually he'd comfort her, but not this time. it was different.
she stood far away from him, keeping her distance. and when he'd step up she'd step back. "why would i cheat on you?"

nini didn't answer, she only shook her heard as tears streamed down her face. "i'd never-"

"shut the fuck up! gosh, if you'd never do that then WHY did you kiss her??" nini shouted at him again, she couldn't even look at the boy so she kept her head down.

"did you not listen to me the whole time we were shouting in the house. for goodness sakes nina, i didn't kiss her! i don't even know how it looked like that cause clearly we didn't." ricky shouted back, he stood in his place he didn't even try to steps forward to the girl. he was tried with this.

"i- i-" nini paused, catching her breath. "literally fuck off." lastly, she flipped the middle finger at ricky and walked away.

and although everything, they were each other's exception.

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