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26 | knew you were(n't) perfect 
    after the first kiss

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"HOLD ME!" nini shouted at gina and ej as she laughed, carlos and ashlyn walked up to the edge, trying not to laugh to hard. "okay, when we go down..we ALL hold each other. including you guys, ashlyn and carlos."

carlos rolled his eyes as he and ashlyn groaned, they stood next to ej or gina. they all counted down quietly before skiing down the hill filled with snow. "go!!" gina called our, all five of them, skied down, still holding each other.

it was going fine until carlos got distracted by seb and his friends skiing down without holding each other, and he let go of his friends.

all of them except carlos, fell face flat on the snow, groaning in frustration as the snow froze their faces. "y'all are absolute idiots." carlos chuckled.

they stood up, this time not all of them were holding each other, ej held nini's hand, reading to help her all the way down the hill, but randomly ricky approached the group and offered himself. "you need help?" he raised his eyebrows, staring at the girl.

nini turned her head, her hand still in ej's shoulder trying to not fall, "uh—" she looked at ej then back at ricky, "you go with gina, i'll be with ricky." the brunette girl finally answered.

ej nodded, he and gina paired up, ashlyn and carlos paired up—and now ricky and nini. "you lied so bad on the internet." nini brought up the topic, smiling softly at the boy.

he slightly shook his head as he chuckled softly and quietly, "had to, i couldn't let you get hate." the curly headed boy stated, looking directly into the girl's brown eyes. her heart melted at the bare minimum, not being able to keep her eyes off of him. "i'd love to continue talking, but we kind of look idiotic to keep standing and not move." ricky laughed, nini snapped out of her reality and laughed along with the boy.

they began skiing down the rest of the hill until both teens made it too the bottom, ricky opened his arms, insisting a hug from nini.

nini smiled gracefully, but before she could be in ricky's embrace, lily came running over to the curly headed boy, jumping into his arms.
"you did so good, baby." the blonde giggled.

that irked nini, she rolled her eyes in annoyance before walking over to her friend group. once lily noticed nini was gone, she got off of ricky, and keep a straight face rather than a smile. "why do you keep going up to her?" lily scrunched her eyes brows in confusion.

"you say you love me, then your actions show the opposite." lily scoffed, with tears forming in her eyes, "how long would i have to put up with you being so obsessed with that bitch?" lily pushed ricky away.

quickly, ricky grabbed her arms gently to stop her from pushing him again, "lily..not right now. do you really want to cause an argument in front of everyone?? for them to see?"

"i'm done with this shit." was all lily said, then started walking back to the hotels, ricky groaned in frustration, he really wanted to hang out with everyone else, either ice skating, or skiing, but instead he chased after lily, while nini watched.


later in the night everyone crowded around the bonfire, making s'mores, or eating plain marshmallows, or drinking their hot chocolate.
it was still freezing outside, so some students went back into their dorms.

lily and ricky still haven't resolved their problems, but ricky didn't want to miss out on the bonfire. he made sure to bring a blanket before coming outside. the curly headed boy, sat down next to nini, placing the blanket over the brunette girl, then after wrapped his arms around her. "you warm now?" ricky grinned, as nini giggled and nodded.

"you're perfect." nini stated, then paused, "..sometimes." the girl added.

"anything for you, love." ricky replied, ignoring nini's second statement. the two were still near the bone fire even after everyone else went back inside. "we'd always do this when we'd go camping by ourselves." ricky reminded.

"ohhh, i remember that actually." nini paused, trying to carefully remember everything, "isnf it strange...? to see how everything came to be." nini looked directly into ricky's eyes, trying to predict his statement by scanning it.

"i feel the same, i already told you this..but what if things were different. we tried doing this the opposite of how we actually did them?would we still be in this currently position except we are a couple? or would we eventually break up anyway." ricky explained shortly, he sighed as he began getting up from the place he was sitting at.

"what if we were always meant to break up?" nini asked right before ricky entered the hotel building. the boy looked back at nini, furrowing his brows. she walked up to the boy with her breath steadily shaking, "what if..we just broke up a little earlier than the real date we were supposed to break up? we were never meant to last."

ricky placed his hands on both sides of her face, scanning her eyes as his eyebrows were still scrunched in confusion, "would that make this on going feeling worse.., or better..?" nini concluded, using her hand to hold his hands in the same position it's currently in.

ricky tore his hands away, walking towards the hotel building, right before opening it—he replied, "worse."

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